i am lost and worthless


New member

Hello people i am new to this site. I just found it and thought i would give it a go as i am feelingso bad. I have BPD and depression, for about seven years now and cant seem to see any light at the end of the tunnel. I think about and plan my death constantly and have taken several serious overdoses. I get images in my head ofme killing myself in various ways. I also self-harm even though it upsets my family. I feel guilty about this, they deserve better. I am generally pretty worthless and dont really deserve to be in this world. I am lost.


Well-known member
you are DEFINITELY NOT worthless and DO deserve to be in this world *hugs you*. I empathize with you. I self mutilate as well and have overdosed also. Feel free to P.M. me if you need a chat. And welcome to the site! Theres so many people here that relate and empathize. I hope it helps and theres always a light at the end of the tunnel :wink: Don't give up on it. I wish you happiness.


to mimeteen:
I can understand you.I went out that mental prison for a time.

As saying goes,God help those who help themselves.
Would you mind telling me what had happened to you
in brief?
In my mind,you still have some dreams to realize.



Well-known member
your not worthless

even i go through what your going through time to time

but you are not worthless because thats impossible for somebody to be worthless. O and thoughts suicide thoughts you are having with your family being emotionaly hurt indicate that they themselves think that your not worthless. You need to find something to get your mind off that subject so you can feel better before another cycle of that thought comes again


New member
You should consult with a doctor. This is an illness which can be cured by medication. There are many options available in the market for depression, anxiety and this type of mental health issue. Xanax is one of the best medicines available in the market for this. You can find more information about xanax at http://www.xanax-effects.com


Well-known member
Hi. I do the same things. I hide it from my family because I don't want to upset them, but it just makes it even worse because I'm crying for help but muffling my cries... I have no idea what to tell you. I don't know if it can get better or not. I just wanted to say I understand your pain and you're not alone, even though I know it feels that way...
Believe me, if you were worthless, you wouldn't exist. You are of great value to the Universe. You see, being happy is a choice. You can choose to feel the way you're feeling now, or you can choose to be happy. Right now, in this moment. Yes, it's that easy. No excuses. NO EXCUSES. Do you want to be happy and feel worthy? Choose to feel it right now.


ghostbutterflies said:
Believe me, if you were worthless, you wouldn't exist. You are of great value to the Universe. You see, being happy is a choice. You can choose to feel the way you're feeling now, or you can choose to be happy. Right now, in this moment. Yes, it's that easy. No excuses. NO EXCUSES. Do you want to be happy and feel worthy? Choose to feel it right now.

hahaha choose to be happy? What is this? New Age Crap. Value to the universe....riight. I killed a fly today, such a loss to the universe. We are the same. Too tired to continue.../