I am abandoned :(


Well-known member
I was talking to two guys online and they stopped talking to me. One even lived in the same state and the other from Texas.

I had my cousin but he's staying after school now for ROTC practice. I was in an online chat room but they deleted it and moved to a new one. They invited to it but I didn't say anything and got removed, for new people I guess.

Well that's that this is what it feels like to alone. Go to hell school everyday trying not to get noticed then get home and get on the internet reading sport articles. 😳


Well-known member
Stay strong man. It's a struggle.

Easier to say than do. I'm still holding hope they I can turn it around but it will take years. Long gruesome years.

I'm glad you replied, seeing all these views and no replies just makes me feel worse.


Well-known member
Easier to say than do. I'm still holding hope they I can turn it around but it will take years. Long gruesome years.

I'm glad you replied, seeing all these views and no replies just makes me feel worse.

keep on trying, some things get easier


Well-known member
I know the feeling well. People with social anxiety find it hard enough to reach out and make connections, and when the few connections we do manage to make get taken away, it can feel particularly hard to take. Do you have any other places you could go, online or off, where you could make new friends?