I am a pathetic human being.


Well-known member
I just looove to sit around feeling sorry for myself. I am so afraid to live. I can't even let myself be happy. I am so self-destructive, and I know that I can change everything I hate about my life if I want to...but I don't do it. I am lazy. I am nothing but a coward. I feel like I don't even deserve to be on Earth. I'm sure there are plenty of other souls in Heaven waiting for their turn to come down to Earth and experience life. I am here and I should be grateful, but all I do is complain and mope around my house day after day. I am wasting a human body, and I'm so ashamed of the way I choose to live.
Here I am...tearing myself down, beating myself up, and wallowing in self-hate. Who does that? What the f*ck is my problem???


Well-known member
jeez.. take it easy on yourself.
you become what you think and believe.

so think positive. Learn to witness your thoughts and not identify with them. Then you realize how negative each & every thought you have is.

Meditate. This will help you a lot.

Regarding your laziness, you probably feel a lot of fatigue.
Everyone who knew me from when I was in high school used to call me lazy. But I never took it seriously. Then years later I found it was fatigue.

Do you know how fatigue is manifested. It is nothing do with your self image. Don't blame yourself for feeling lazy.

You can change yourself. Learn about how you can get better by changing your diet. Change your diet.

People fight worse things in their life.

Today I had a massive realization. I have trying to eliminate negative thoughts from my life. Its hard but I am trying. It hit me hard when I realized that I was expecting certain friends of mine to be thinking negative of me. This is bad. So I need to change this. I can't change how they think about me. But I can change how I think they think about me.
Get it?

so yeah
1. Think Positive (down to every micro thought)
2. Clean your diet.

More than likely your problems are due to something being wrong with your health. Don't restrict yourself to western medicine. Read and experiment with new stuff.


same here, its so hard when i see other people at my age out there partyin and havin fun, enjoyin live and i cant. I feel like its to late to get over this. Its so depressing. I will never forgive myself for waisting my young years. I got so many sabotaging thoughts like this that i just sit around and think negative. Iam so depressed that i sometimes cant even make myself to take a shower.


i completely understand i wont take up ur time telling u my life on earth but i just want u 2 know that i have felt just as bad as as you even worse i used 2 cut myself, beat myself sometimes with a baseball bat because i hated myself so much and i felt i 2 was just wasting a life away but i went thru some stuff with the court system and was court ordered 2 get a mental health evaluation i am now on medication prolly 4 the rest of my life and i now am on the way 2 healing my heart and soul i no longer hurt myself or hate myself and my depression is mostly gone i simply have a chemical imbalence in my brain that is solved by the meds so i would tell u 2 see a theripist but just remember they can only can help you to the extent that you are honest with them and exposing yourself 2 ppl at least 4 me was a very scary painfull thing but it paid off so i understand try meds and therapy ~ straycat


Well-known member
I have wasted a lot of time because of my SA, but I don’t really blame myself and you shouldn’t either. It wasn’t our choice that we had SA we couldn’t help our-self. Now that you know that you have a problem you must find a solution. We may not have been responsible for SA, but it is our responsibility to find a cure for it.

I totally understand you I have wasted a lot of time watching tv, playing games, and sleeping. I am trying to get rid of my SA now. I am more active running, exercising, and going out. I sometimes go out alone it doesn’t bother me that much.