I am a new to the forum


I have suffered for over 7 years with exteme sweating EVERYWHERE. I am pretty much a recluse because of it along with being ill with Hep C. My Doc has listened to my complaint and pretty much wants to move on to a more important issue.
I have done lots of research on my own. If anyone has any solutions that have worked for them I would greatly appreciate it!
I have a question...
Has anyone used Sweatblock or Drysol on the face? What was the results?
Thanks for listening...Patsy


Well-known member
**** sorry to hear about you diagnosis, my HH is every where the ops diverted my sweating from ampits/hands to everywhere else. I'm on Ditropan tablets 3 times a day no major impact just calms it down around the house utter useless out and about :-( I'm no doctor but hep-c might not help your situation?? Sweating seems irrelevant please forgive my sinocal view.. I didn't mean to come across rude :-/

Have you tried pills??
Body wipes witch have driclore/avert on them???
Please don't get ETS ops done.... Even if doc offers tell him to stick it up his arse!!!

Hope you succeed where many of us have just bought a bit dry time...


I just sent away for some spray that I ordered form this site. It was from aonther country and I did not get any conformation back i hope that I get it.I also just got some wipes called sweatblock. Is this the same as what you suggested or are the one you mentioned better. Also I got a script for Drysol...any luck with that? I have chosen to to get treatment for my hepvand i am taking natural suppliments.Thanks. I my sweating keeps me in more distress than the hep c.


Well-known member
Sweatblock thems the bad boys lol. drysol is that the talc?? My sweating turns talc into paste and the role ons make my body swell up.. weird how you never got confirmation?? Hope you have some success hun. Keep posting..

I'm gona win this battle even if it grinds me into an early grave!!
We have human rights!! Lets claim them :)