Does anyone know what it is like to sweat excessively as a female? I don't know what to do anymore. The older I get, the harder it is to deal with. People can be very mean and I cry daily. Sometimes I want to end it all.
I have excessive underarm sweating and it seems no deodorant will work. I just want a normal life. Why is this so hard?
I am a female in my early 30's. I have HH for as far back as I can remember. My earliest childhood memories are of me sitting in the childrens department with foil around my hands and feet, waiting to soak them in some type of soltuion. My mother has told me that I was three. I totally overstand how it feels to be female and have HH. I had a sympathectomy at the age of 14 (the Dr's at this time did not warn about compensatory sweating or even try to put me on any form of oral medication) so at 14 it sounded greeeaaat.
All was well for four years the the great floooood!! Feet pouring, soaking shoes within 10 mins, back of legs and not to mention other areas!! Went back to the GP all they offered was surgery. Plodded on through uni...motherhood feeling more and more battered and hurt. One day I seriously felt as though living, breath, exsisting was too much for me to handle. I just wanted to lock myself away...people would seriously come to up to me have a sniff, turn up their nose and make sly comments. On the train people would get up and sit elsewhere.
When you ask you family they say they cannot smell you...and more than often they are being honest. But if they were to sit with u day in and day out in a small office..oh they would soon get a whiff of my Jais nai cest qua lol
You are not paranoid when you say you smell especially if you have HH...dnt let anyone dilude you as this is wasting your time. But what you are is human, beautiful and deserving of life. I decided to live life...not to let people stop me from pursuing my life.
a few points that I use that I find helpful
* Keep hair low...under arms pubic area
* Only wear Cotton socks..take a few pairs around (tedious I know but you have HH)
(You can also do the same with underwear)
* I use a medicated body wash such as Cepton instead of soapI find if i have a warm shower then a cold shower, drink a pint of water and start urinatinf prior to sweating..i sweat less from the feet
*I have tried Glycloplorate (oral) and found that it did cause some ceasation but I did not like the side effects. It made me feel confused, lethargic, dry mouthed and too be honest I did not like the idea of taking medication for the rest of my life.
*Driclor...Nope did not help at all..
* Paid for bottom (feet) lord did that hurt like whoooooooo
over 500 injections with no anesthetic. Yes it worked..cost £500 but it worked for 3 months...sweat free
Expensive ...cannot afford to be realistic.
So purchased the idrostar recently (two weeks ago) and I am in the process of using it. The trays are not deep enough to cover my entire feet but i try to go as deep as i can. i know the recommended amount is 400 ml...pls it triple that then some. I find that you should not let dead skin build up on your feet. Keep you feet as clean as possible, free of dead skin. There is also a talc that you can use that contains aluminum it is called Zeasorb powder.
I have up days, down days but never the feelings that I experienced yesterday. I use to sweat alot, guess what I still sweat alot but I do not smell as bad as I used to because I am aware that I am a female with HH and I know what I need to do (hard work it is but hey someone has to do it)
Admiration to all my HH family.... xx