I am a 30-year old female and I think I give up


New member
Does anyone know what it is like to sweat excessively as a female? I don't know what to do anymore. The older I get, the harder it is to deal with. People can be very mean and I cry daily. Sometimes I want to end it all.

I have excessive underarm sweating and it seems no deodorant will work. I just want a normal life. Why is this so hard?


I don't really know how you feel because I'm a male. Just don't let it get to you. My friends make fun of me all the time (I have HH in hands, armpits, and feet), but it's no problem. They're all good friends and I know they are joking. You have to take things with a grain of salt. Sure it's not strange to you, but to others it is an abnormality. Explain that it's not something you can control and if they can't take that explanation then you don't want to be their friend anyway. You can weed out the "bad" people with this!

I do know it's bad though. It's tough doing anything with the opposite sex, but get creative. Wear only certain things that don't bleed (I don't know what kind of aparrel for females, but I use sweatshirts, etc).

It sucks, no doubt about it. I don't think anyone here will tell you they like HH (unless of course some guy found a great woman who digs this type of thing :wink: ) but it ruins your life as much as you let it. It may hold you down a bit no matter what, but you can make sure it doesn't screw up your life totally.

I'm sure you can do it if you put your mind to it. I'm 18 in the prime of life with little experience with woman, which should be quite depressing, but I've got other possitives! :)


I am a 30 year old male, with Palmar and Pedal HH (hands and feet).

I did have about 5 years without the hands sweating, because I had the ETS surgery done, but now it's back. NOTE: Although I'm fine, I've heard too many horror stories about ETS patients, post-surgery... too many risks, I don't plan on doing it again.

Now, I don't know to to what extent your sweating is, but I would think that my problem, which is the same as the other guy who has hand and feet HH, is actually harder to deal with than armpit HH. Just my opinion. We live in a society were you do things with your hands socially... shaking hands to greet and meet people socially and professionally, holding hands with a loved one, etc. etc...

I can tell this because I have had some instances where my armpits had sweat more than normal, because anxiety can play a part in my HH problems. There was this one time, years ago before I had the surgery, I was in a huge company gathering. The CEO wanted to talk to the entire company, a whole 9 floors of people gathered in a big room of a hotel. Now, I don't know why, but because there were so many people there and it was so quiet... for some weird reason I got so uncomfortable sitting there, that I started to sweat everywhere! I was just sitting in the audience and listening. That was the most my armpits ever sweated, so if they sweat like that everyday, I can imagine how bad it is for you.

I also believe it's a little harder for Men than it is Women. We're the ones who have be "CONFIDENT" and "MAKE THE MOVE". For me personally, it's been one of the bigger reasons my social life is shot. I must admit there are other insecurities involved, but my sweaty hands is probably the biggest reason of all! You just lose the confidence with this problem as a Man. Women can just sit there and look pretty... :wink:

Sorry this is so long (great place for me to vent)... What I am getting at is this. Your armpits shouldn't negatively affect things socially as much as sweaty hands do. You don't have to INTERACT with people using your armpits. Maybe when you hug someone, I can see it being a small problem, but all you gotta do is hug like a guy and instead of going over, go under, so that your armpits aren't resting on someone's shoulders. The only other interactivity involving your armpits that I can think of are TICKLING and... well... SEX (where sweating is okay anyway :wink: ). And if it gets that far, then obviously they like you and there should be no worries.

There are clothes you can wear to hide it, even if you have to change a couple of times a day. I'm not sure if you have, but have to seen a doctor for things like Prescription Strength ANTI-PERSPIRANTS or even drugs to help calm the nerves? They even have prescription strength anti-perspirants over the counter now, have you tried those? You didn't really say whether or not you've tried other alternatives.

I feel your pain about this whole thing, and believe me I feel like I want to end it all too... BUT... that's just not the right way to go. TOO OUTRAGEOUS of a thing to do. You can contain this.

Sorry so long, just trying to help... take care.


Well-known member
Hey !

Im 18 years old and use to have really bad excessive sweating and i no how embarssing it can be and how mean people can be
I went to the doctors and they suggested some kinda talc stuff but that was rubbish didnt work at all
Then i got refferd to the hospital where they suggested i should have botox, now the idea of botox at 17 is no small thing! lol
Anyway i said yes and the results are amazing, it takes about 1 day to start working and iv had 3 sessions of botox and apparntly the affects are life long so wont need to go bck
please please try this as it has chnaged my confidence !
if you want to know any more personal message me =]


Well-known member
I'm a male but I think males and females experience the same situations with HH. If you just have it in the underarms, consider yourself lucky. I have it on the hands where it is much more difficult to hide. I would recommend wearing layers and colors that don't show sweat, then even if you do, people wont really notice. I have heard good things about botox for underarms so you might want to give that a try. Hang in there.


Active member
I'm female, in my 30s with generalized h.h and it's been pretty rough, to say the least. I've been taking avert for half a year now with great success, but someone on this forum commented on my post that after 2 years it has stopped working for them!! I am worried, and have asked them about their dosage, wondering if maybe they overdid it and, well, seeing as we're all different, and there are pros out there looking for a cure-I'm not going to give up hope. I will be trying out hydrosal and the iontophoresis>apparently some are also designed for the arm-pits, so don't despair! Try out different methods and like hy-hi said you can also try wearing clothes that will camouflage the sweat as well as using arm-pit shields You are not alone!


I'm 20 and female and I used to feel really bad about my HH but I've mostly got it under control now. Have you tried anything for your HH? I'm sure something out there will work for you :)


Honestly, I really don't think either sex has an advantage. Whether you are female or male it is a life altering condition.

I know it is bad but you just have to go on with life and cope with it the best way possible.

I'm a 29 virgin male with thinning hair (double trouble) and I can sure tell you it is tough at times but I try my best. I think the best option is to set goals in life and have some hobbies and hope for the best. A great thing to get into is snowboarding for the winter season!


Well-known member
bitingthepea said:
Hey !

Im 18 years old and use to have really bad excessive sweating and i no how embarssing it can be and how mean people can be
I went to the doctors and they suggested some kinda talc stuff but that was rubbish didnt work at all
Then i got refferd to the hospital where they suggested i should have botox, now the idea of botox at 17 is no small thing! lol
Anyway i said yes and the results are amazing, it takes about 1 day to start working and iv had 3 sessions of botox and apparntly the affects are life long so wont need to go bck
please please try this as it has chnaged my confidence !
if you want to know any more personal message me =]

Didn't you gather any information about botox treatment or your doctor didn't tell you anything? The effect lasts for about half a year, then you have to go back there and pay again :twisted:
you are lucky

Yes indeed. You should consider yourself lucky but Im not gonna sit here and patronize you,,ITS AGONIZING. I suffer from Facial,armpit and hand sweating , including major blushing. Im 31 and somehow , someway have finally ended up married with a family. I was totally up front with my wife from the day we met and it was so liberating. Unfortunately while the wife is in my corner the working world is not as accepting of a clammy hand. I still seek to find the perfect cure. I have tried them all including high doses of zanax. I gave up the alcohol and must now completely fight this debilitating illness. Im going to order "Glycopyrrolate" and try "eredicane" who knows what to expect. If anyone has knowledge on the treatments please let me know. This isnt cancer so hang in there. We are all here on this site together. Larry


generation7 said:
Honestly, I really don't think either sex has an advantage. Whether you are female or male it is a life altering condition.

I know it is bad but you just have to go on with life and cope with it the best way possible.

I'm a 29 virgin male with thinning hair (double trouble) and I can sure tell you it is tough at times but I try my best. I think the best option is to set goals in life and have some hobbies and hope for the best. A great thing to get into is snowboarding for the winter season!

Sorry to hear that one. They should make that a subforum phobia for HH patients :lol:

The hard part is getting in the bedroom...once in....you're supposed to sweat :wink:


New member
I want to thank you guys for your comments. It is hard to look outside of your self when you have this condition. I am sorry for those of you that have it worse than i do. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. It feels debilitating at times. I try to excel in school and work to compensate, but i'm sure you guys can understand how that goes. I will look into the botox treatments. Hopefully, my insurance will cover it. I hear it can get expensive because it only lasts for 6-9 months. However, 6-9 months would seem like a dream to me. A day without this would be great. Thanks once again. This disease just makes me feel really alone at times because no one around me can understand. It is good to know forums like this exist.



Yes I know exactly what it is like to sweat excessively as a female, it's miserable, restricting and makes you feel ashamed, inhibited and want to retract from the world. I have lived with this total misery for 43 years, but 4 weeks ago I found a solution thanks to one of those chemical based antiperspirants.

All I want to say to you is have you tried that PERSPI-GUARD product? Because when my 19 yr old daughter came home beside herself with misery (having inherited the same problem from me, as I did from my mother) because her company was insisting that the yellow shirt she had to wear she was no longer allowed to be covered by a black cardigan ,which meant her secret was about to be exposed to what she knew would be unbearable taunting and ridicule.

I couldn't bear the idea of her going through this as I had done in the past and started to look up options on the internet. the product I mentioned, much to my amazement WORKS, it REALLY REALLY does. It only lasts for 3 days with us before we have to reapply, some people can go 10, but what the heck, it does work.

SO PLEASE try it, as for the sake of a few quid, if it works for you like it did us, then it's hard to explain the enormous relief of having dry armpits, as you have to rub it in with your hands, I get the bonus of dry hands too YAY!

We can now wear colours and no longer suffer the embarrassment three generations (at least) have suffered.

I wish you the same success we had, :)

Kind regards


kingflab said:
Why is it all those type's of posts sound like ridiculously bad product plugs...

For the Record "KINGFLAB", HOW RUDE - I am not selling anything, I just suffer from bad hyperhydrosis like the rest of the contributors here and I tried the PERSPIGUARD stuff before resorting to the very expensive botox treatment cos it was just a few quid.

I didn't expect it to work to be honest, as I don't believe in Santa, the Toothfairy, the Easterbunny or Face creams, but desperation leads you to madness, so for a few quid I thought what the heck. I did feel a bit like I was buying snakeoil, but you get desperate for solution.

Anyway forgive me for being ENTHUSIASTIC because it FLIPPIN WELL WORKED for me, OK I only got it this last month, so I haven't used it long, but it worked immediately, Like the poor girl said in the original post, just ONE DAY without this problem would be a joy, oh and it IS, a phenominal joy.

So it worked for both of us in our household, it only breaks my heart that so many of us are going around with this problem, many not realising that there may be a simple solution, if not for all possibly some others, thats the point of these forums TO SHARE what we know or find out!!!

Can anyone else verify if they have tried this stuff and if it worked for them, we can't be the only ones surely??

I really hope it helps a few others, cos it's an amazing thing to be free off, albeit it I have use the stuff every 3 days to stop it, it's still better than no solution at all :)

Georgina (an enthusiastic real person not an ad!!!)


Well-known member
In that case, I apologise my dear.

I'm getting somewhat fed up of testimonials saying 'Wow, this product changed my life!', and yet everytime the damn thing never works. Perhaps I'm just too much of a cynic, but I've ordered 9 different kinds of anti-perspirants designed for HH, and not bloody one has actually been any use!

If its any consolidation, I've ordered the stuff. I'm set for curettage in April, right now I'm willing to spend a couple of quid trying any cheap alternative I can.
i agree king flab. Sorry georgina,,I too had my suspicions about your post but didnt say anything. So Kingflab called it and turns out he was wrong. I might have to try it myself. Im gonna give Glycopyrrolate a try. Kingflab, what is that "curretege" your gonna try??


Well-known member
Hi I agree also on this..Ok its a lot of bullshit out there who are making money on others missory.Like herbal remidies (tried anti-sweat tablet myself,and it was bullshit in my oppinium,because I have not yet heard about 1 single person that it has worked for.Or read a book and you dont have HH after 9 days or so,hahahahahahaha,,,,Burn in hell!

I also have bougth 4 different antperspirants,odaban,sweat-stop forte,and one roll one thing from the local pharmacy,,didnt work for me either of them.But at least I have heard that some of this stuff has worked for others.

Last, dehydral-cream and that did work for me,only use it on my fingertips in combo whith ionto.

But antiperspirants can work different from people to people...I dont have the answer to that? Or I have my theory,but a to long story:)

Point is,,,,the antiperspirants are cheap and I dont think that georgina is one of them that was trying to advitase.

And if she was,you will not get ruined by trying it,because like I said many have tried different ones,and suddenly something has worked,and has been a life saver for them!!!!!!



Hey there. I don't know why, but somehow, in a really freaky way, it feels good to know that others go through the same pain as you do. I mean I just found out about this website and I already feel a bit relieved :)

So here goes: I'm a 21 year-old female and I have been sweating excessively (HH) in my armpits and hands since I was about 12, I guess.
So, I understand you completely. Girls should not sweat. Period. No matter how harsh or pessimistic that may sound, it's true. I mean, I can't imagine a guy going "Oh, it's okay, I don't mind feeling like I grab a wet sponge when I hold my girlfriend's hand. Or the ugly sweat rings for that matter." I mean I imagine myself in that position, would I find a sweaty guy attractive? I hate saying it, but no. I wouldn't.

This thing literally turned my life into a living hell. I feel like I was cursed or something... Suffering social phobia due to something I had nothing to do with and have absolutely no control over? And the really annoying thing is that no one, I mean NO ONE in my whole family has this kind of thing, including my grandparents, aunts and uncles and all their children... No one!

Anyways, mum's a nurse so I had tons of tests, but they haven't found anything. I remember actually wanting to have a disease, just so that I could know why :)

Well, the good news is, I tried botox recently (armpits), and the doctor was kinda shocked when she applied a test to see how bad my sweating was. It was bad :) But inspite of that, it did help. I mean I had it this summer, so it wasn't a fair season to judge it. I'm not saying I haven't sweated (and it was a really, really hot summer over here) but I remember, when I didn't go out in hot weather and wasn't very active, I didn't sweat at all, and I didn't have to wash my cloths after only one time,
and they only smelled like my deodorant and perfume. Now that is a good feeling :)

The bad news is, it came back after 2-3 months before I could assess its effectiveness thoroughly. I'm thinking about going again but how many times can you get it done? It's not a cheap procedure.

But you know, we were born with this, and there's still not an effective cure, so the best thing you can do is go and have botox.

I was obsessed with ETS, going "I don't care if I die out of the post-op complications! I'm gonna have it!" but mum talked to a lot of doctors and they all adviced against it. So you know, the only safe and effective thing left is botox. We should be glad that's an option really. Maybe in the near future they will be able to cure it.


New member
That is the biggest issue for me. Granted, it is not great for anyone, man or woman, but there is such disdainment and scorn cast upon you as a woman when suffering from this illness.?. I made the appt for botox so i will track my results overtime and let you guys know if it was effective for me. I do understand what you mean. It is freaky to feel a sense of comfort that it is not only you. BUT THANK GOD! this forum is a life saver (literally)