Hypocondriac OCD....


Well-known member
i'm worried, super worried if i got rabbies.

now i was at home playing with king (he was an adopted street pet afterall) and like all cats he wraped his arms around me and was playing, he scratched me, and i'm pretty sure he didn't bite me, But i can't be sure....

Symptoms of Cat Rabies - LoveToKnow Cats

on this page it shows all the symptoms of cat rabbies

king doesn't have many. but he has these

Drooling (but the doctor said he has canker sores)

labored breathing. i'm not really sure what that means but sometimes, maybe once a day i can hear almost a sigh. from king.

licking the wound ( but the doctor said he will clean and bite the wound anyway, hence the cone on his head)

he scratched me about 5 days ago... maybe not even because i still have scratch marks today.
maybe 2 days ago.

I am going to go to the doctor tomorrow, Maybe it's just my OCD talking, But since he was a stray maybe he has rabies.
i'm so scared.


For any cat scratches simply rinse with hydrogen peroxide, then put polysporn on the wound and bandaid it up.


Well-known member
well i did go to the hospital, they said scratches are also a way to get rabies.
but she iddin't tell me the percentage rate,
i'm pretty sure bites are 100% infected. i don't know scratches.
My cat doesn't seem different, But iam scared stupid, cried all last night and i couldn't sleep.

and apparently rabies is an illness you can't tell unless you get the symptoms, but once you get symptoms it's too late.

no blood work will tell you if you infected or not. and no medicine will help you once your ****ed.

i hope i am ok. i have 5 more needles.


Well-known member
we tok my cat to the vet for hopefully the last time, i brought p thrabies discusion, she kinda laughed at me. She told me Rabie is Really rare in shanghai, Even rarer in cat, and a scratch usually doesn't spread Rabies anyway, so if i got rabies from my cat it would be a damn near miracle.

made me feel much better. But i still want to take the remainders of my needles and be safe. as i am still a little scared.


Well-known member
well according to everything on the internet he should be dead by now, But he is very much a live and licking (cat's don't kick, they lick)