It seems as of lately things are getitng a lot worse with me. I am becoming sooo hypersensitive to so many things lately, and it's just getting worse and worse. It's literally driving me off the wall. This is probably a stupid useless post, but I just feel like saying it. I don't know why, and I'm also wondering if anyone else feels the same way. Or if this could somehow be related to anxiety or something. Hmm, I'll start here with lighttttssss.
I think I am seriously hypersensitive to lights. I don't know if it's my eyes or what, but it's really bad. I can never have the lights on. I have to do everything in the dark. Like when I'm at the computer or whatever I have to turn the light on the screen down and have every single light in the room off. I can't stand having lights on, they just hurt my eyes soooo much. It drives other people crazy too because they say they can't say, really I CAN'T see either with all that light.
I can't even go outside without sunglasses on. If I do I have to cover my eyes and my face because it is just so painful to look at that much light. I also see lines of light in everything, I don't know if that's related or what. Like zig zag lines across everything, and it feels like stuff is just flashing and flashing all the time. And if I ever try to read soemthing, or even words on here they'll pop out and look like they're movign around. It's sooo frustrating.
Also sounds and just thigns like flashing or beeping. I can't really go on messenger right now because the flashing is just like soo annoying, I just can't take it. It just makes me wanna say like kjertgherkjyherjrrlekjhl;kjhflglhkjk. Any little sound makes me twitch or surprised, or scared. The beeping. The whatever. The static. The anything. It makes me want to beat my head against the wall. I can't take this anymore. ughbh. I'm also very very senstive to touch and the way things feel but I should probably shut up about all this now.
Everything little thing is seeming to drive me insane and I just don't know what the problem is
. I was just wondering if anyone else has similar problems like this? It's so hard to do things when I'm being constantly bothered by lights and sounds. I don't know why I posted this and I feel like an idiot for doing it but whatever. I'm getitng so frustrated with every little thing and I just wanna UGh. I dont' know what to do. I don't know why I posted this long stupid post, but does this have anything to do wih anxiety or anything? I'm not expecting anyone to respond or anythign and I'll probably delete it soon but
Sometimes I just wanna go kjvsfhgbrjkhtkhtrklhjblgkjbhdlk ghjelrrhgertuygroutghoritglrkgjklefgjlkdfsg jksgjldskjglkjglkgjfldgdfjgkfdljhlkfhjit4iougiouyo4tiyu 4iouyileuyleiuylieryulieryueklryjerlkyjerlwk.
I think I am seriously hypersensitive to lights. I don't know if it's my eyes or what, but it's really bad. I can never have the lights on. I have to do everything in the dark. Like when I'm at the computer or whatever I have to turn the light on the screen down and have every single light in the room off. I can't stand having lights on, they just hurt my eyes soooo much. It drives other people crazy too because they say they can't say, really I CAN'T see either with all that light.
I can't even go outside without sunglasses on. If I do I have to cover my eyes and my face because it is just so painful to look at that much light. I also see lines of light in everything, I don't know if that's related or what. Like zig zag lines across everything, and it feels like stuff is just flashing and flashing all the time. And if I ever try to read soemthing, or even words on here they'll pop out and look like they're movign around. It's sooo frustrating.
Also sounds and just thigns like flashing or beeping. I can't really go on messenger right now because the flashing is just like soo annoying, I just can't take it. It just makes me wanna say like kjertgherkjyherjrrlekjhl;kjhflglhkjk. Any little sound makes me twitch or surprised, or scared. The beeping. The whatever. The static. The anything. It makes me want to beat my head against the wall. I can't take this anymore. ughbh. I'm also very very senstive to touch and the way things feel but I should probably shut up about all this now.
Everything little thing is seeming to drive me insane and I just don't know what the problem is
Sometimes I just wanna go kjvsfhgbrjkhtkhtrklhjblgkjbhdlk ghjelrrhgertuygroutghoritglrkgjklefgjlkdfsg jksgjldskjglkjglkgjfldgdfjgkfdljhlkfhjit4iougiouyo4tiyu 4iouyileuyleiuylieryulieryueklryjerlkyjerlwk.