
It seems as of lately things are getitng a lot worse with me. I am becoming sooo hypersensitive to so many things lately, and it's just getting worse and worse. It's literally driving me off the wall. This is probably a stupid useless post, but I just feel like saying it. I don't know why, and I'm also wondering if anyone else feels the same way. Or if this could somehow be related to anxiety or something. Hmm, I'll start here with lighttttssss.

I think I am seriously hypersensitive to lights. I don't know if it's my eyes or what, but it's really bad. I can never have the lights on. I have to do everything in the dark. Like when I'm at the computer or whatever I have to turn the light on the screen down and have every single light in the room off. I can't stand having lights on, they just hurt my eyes soooo much. It drives other people crazy too because they say they can't say, really I CAN'T see either with all that light.

I can't even go outside without sunglasses on. If I do I have to cover my eyes and my face because it is just so painful to look at that much light. I also see lines of light in everything, I don't know if that's related or what. Like zig zag lines across everything, and it feels like stuff is just flashing and flashing all the time. And if I ever try to read soemthing, or even words on here they'll pop out and look like they're movign around. It's sooo frustrating.

Also sounds and just thigns like flashing or beeping. I can't really go on messenger right now because the flashing is just like soo annoying, I just can't take it. It just makes me wanna say like kjertgherkjyherjrrlekjhl;kjhflglhkjk. Any little sound makes me twitch or surprised, or scared. The beeping. The whatever. The static. The anything. It makes me want to beat my head against the wall. I can't take this anymore. ughbh. I'm also very very senstive to touch and the way things feel but I should probably shut up about all this now.

Everything little thing is seeming to drive me insane and I just don't know what the problem is :(. I was just wondering if anyone else has similar problems like this? It's so hard to do things when I'm being constantly bothered by lights and sounds. I don't know why I posted this and I feel like an idiot for doing it but whatever. I'm getitng so frustrated with every little thing and I just wanna UGh. I dont' know what to do. I don't know why I posted this long stupid post, but does this have anything to do wih anxiety or anything? I'm not expecting anyone to respond or anythign and I'll probably delete it soon but :p.

Sometimes I just wanna go kjvsfhgbrjkhtkhtrklhjblgkjbhdlk ghjelrrhgertuygroutghoritglrkgjklefgjlkdfsg jksgjldskjglkjglkgjfldgdfjgkfdljhlkfhjit4iougiouyo4tiyu 4iouyileuyleiuylieryulieryueklryjerlkyjerlwk.


Seeing as your probaly gonna delete it i wont quote you :D Anyway... ive had a few simlar symptoms to you Delicious.I wouldnt say as severe as your having them :( but simlar.I dunno for sure if its anxiety... Sounds maybe like a combo of anxiety and stress maybe?.Your guess is as good as mine.

But yeah the lights,Ive never had the need to have them turned down in my flat.But sometimes i find going outside quite harsh on my eyes... even if its a cloudy day (god i sound like a vampire lol),the wind also bothers me aswell weirdly lol,it makes my eyes water.But yeah noises can get to me aswell... because im just so gittery ill jump out of my skin if my phone goes or someone rings my door bell or a car beebs its horrible.I dont get some of the other things but maybe your just more aware of your surroundings or more sensative to them.

But yeah it isnt a stupid post btw... and you shouldnt feel stupid about posting how you feel.And ugh and type randomly as much as you weant to if it makes you feel better lol.I dunno what else to say.. Im sorry your feeling so crappy and its doing your head in,but for me when i have symptoms like you its normaly stress and because im not coping well but it does go away.Might be worth seeing a doctor if it carries on,and looking at obvious things like your eating or any medication changes and sleeping incase they might be having sommat to do with it.

Wish i could help you more but lol its half 4 in the morning here so im not really thinking straight! 8O I hope you feel better soon :( .


Well-known member
I'm generally hypersensitive to a lot of things physically, emotionally, and mentally. Sunlight usually bother me when I first go outside. I think it's due to anxiety. When we are anxious, our body goes into fight or flight state which makes our body super sensitive to everything.


Well-known member
I've never had this problem. Do you take any type of medicine? Maybe it's a side effect? I've been reading a lot about ADD treatment options, and I think I read somewhere that Adderall, Concerta, etc. can cause sensitivity to light and dilated pupils, but I'm not positive.
Thanks for responding everyone. And yes I do actually take Adderall, I don't think that's reallly the problem though. I actually have a condition in my eyes where my pupils will always be very very dilated. I get comments all the time on it, people always think I'm on drugs or something because my pupils are aways so huge. They don't really constrict very much. Oohh Like jumpiness, that happens to me atleast 3x a day :). Phone rings, dog barks, doorbell whatever whatever, it'll freak me out. That's probably part of my problem. They didn't use to be as sensitive though. Hey I'm a vampire here too. blehhhh//

I remember just walking outside one day and I just had to cover my face walking around because it was sooo painful to look at anything because of the brightness. Now it's not just sometimes, I mean it's all all all the time. It's the sounds that are really getting to me now though. I'll hear like one little thing and then it will just freak me out and I'll be all like JKFGajdghkjsaghskjafbgheakljrghreklheukftsegyjdfyfj. I like typing jibberish. It's a good way to to beat up your keyboard and get that anger out ;). I also have it with a ton of other stuff too.

Everything is just so so so so so so so so sooooo frustrating because it's all so elaborate, and I have to make sure of this and that and blah blah blah blahhhh. I can't handle anything normally like this, it's all so complicated and I have to do soo much to get around it and it all seems so useless.

Good to know I'm not the only one. Once again thanks for responses all you wonderful peoples ;).


Well-known member

My son and I were both put on Adderal a couples of years ago. We both didn't do well because we both tend to be anxious to start with and the drug made it worse. We put my son through alternative therapy and he is going great now.

I know for some people, Adderal helps but for people with anxiety, it makes it worse.

When you are generally anxious and has been like that for awhile, your body is pumping adrenaline to start with and when you add Adderal, you are adding even more of that adrenaline.

A good Psychiatrist told me that you should feel normal when you have the right medication with right dosage, and if you are feeling like you are on drug then you are on wrong medication or on wrong dosage.
I really don't want to stop taking adderall, I don't think it has to do with any of my problems. It helps me, it really does calm me down a lot.


Well-known member
I'm assuming that you're probably sensitive to light, because your pupils are dilated. Whenever I go to the opthamologist, and he dilates my eyes, it is always extremely painful to look at bright light. I definitely have to wear sunglasses. I'm pretty sure your pupils constrict to block out some of the excess light.