Hyperhidrosis has fucked up my life


Well-known member
bill-uk said:

I have to say that was an inspirational post. I hope others can take heart at your sentiments.

Absolutely. Good to have you on board sweatypalms34.

I'm just wondering whether my GP would know anything about this Robinol. Only one way to find out...


i had an awesome life through sixth grade.
i enjoyed school, i wanted to hang out with my friends ALL the time, id come home and go to target, or the library, or to a movie, or to dinner.

at the beginning of 7th grade i got hyperhydrosis. ever since then my life has been hell.

i hate going to school.
i only see my friends (and other people) at school.
i come home--straight into my pajamas, on the couch, tv on--laptop.

the only times i hang out with my friends is when we're having an outdoor activity and i can wear a coat or a swim suit.

life pretty much sucks right now.
Hi! I have hyperhidrosis too but I only recently put a name to the condition. I've always thought that my sweating was just because of the heat (as I live right on the equator) and because of my panic attacks. Nothing but a little excessive sweating but nowadays, I realize that my palms and feet will sweat even when I'm at home in front of the fan, nothing to do with the weather and no reason to panic.

I can't say that it's getting worse because it's always been like that ever since I was a kid but now that I'm newly single and trying to get back into the dating scene, I'm like o_O. I have to apologize whenever I shake someone's hand because it'll be clammy. My ex-boyfriend accepted that part about me (and also a million and one other phobias) but unfortunately things didn't work out because of.. other stuff.

I did some Googling and there is an operation that you can go through. It's a day operation so it's not too bad but the procedure sounds too frightening for me. Here's a link to it. http://www.theveinclinic.com.sg/serv_sweaty.html

Le sigh.


Well-known member
If you have hand or feet hyperhidrosis I would strongly recommend researching iontophoresis. Yes, it is a pain because you have to constantly use it or your hands will start to sweat again, but I've tried it all except for surgery and its the only thing that has dramatically reduced my hand sweating. People who claim to not have it worked, I think the problem is they used baking soda. I don't think baking soda works, so I recommend using TABLE SALT in the water.


Well-known member

did u finally get 100% dryness yet? its been 1.5 months for me and im only at about 50% :(


Well-known member
I'd say its 95%, the only parts that sweat are the tip of my thumbs, and the tips of my fingers. Have you started using table salt?


Well-known member
ye and it hurts! lol. how long did it take u until u got to 95% dry? and how many mA/min and did u do it everyother day? also, where do u put the table salt?


Well-known member
It took me about 10-11 hours total to achieve 95% dryness. What I do is I put dinner plates in the trays, and then pour the salt on the plates, so when my hands are resting on the plates only my palms and fingers are submerged, not the back of my hand.

Yes, it does hurt more, but I think that salt is much more effective. Believe me, I know its painful with the salt, but if you want it to be effective you just gotta grit your teeth and deal with the pain. Listening to music while doing the treatment helps me cope.

After about 30 minutes the pain starts to go away anyway. I do it at 18-20mA for 1 hour each time EVERY DAY until I achieve dryness. Now that I have become probably the dryest I will become, I have switched to 1 hour every other day. Now that I have become dry, I have to develop a maintainence plan to keep them dry without having to do it so much. Please let me know how it is going because I'm very happy to help because I know how much sweaty hands sucks and I'll help anyone in anyway I can.


Cant get a girlfriend...YES YOU CAN

This goes out to all who have posted about not being able to find a girlfriend because of their HH. I have had HH for my entire life and I am now 21. I have severe HH on my ENTIRE body especially my face, armpits, and hands. I was always made fun of by my friends and talked about by others. People can be cruel but usually they are really sensitive and just put on a show so that they can fit in. Ok let me get to the point here because I can go on forever. You can find a girlfriend!! I have always had girlfriends because I did not let my HH stop me. I am now with the love of my life who I have been with since I was 16. She knows I have HH, never ever commented on it, and fulllly accepts it. You know why? Because while my HH dragged me down, I simply excelled in other areas. And it is those other areas that will interest people (in this case females)....So just to prove it to you guys I am attatching a link with a picture of her and I to show how happy we are and that HH does not stop guys from getting girls!!!! Heres the proof.... http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o236/nofinga911/Mina%20and%20I/[/img]


LOL for some reason my proof (picture links) didn't work!!! I dont know why but let me try something else...






Well-known member
Glad to see things worked out for you.

I've never had much luck myself, more out of self doubt and strong belief that no girl out there will be able to accept it that keeps me from even attempting even though girls show interest in me.

I know one guy who's been with a girl for a long time that I suspect has hyperhidrosis too. I've never actually brought it up and asked him but I think his younger brother has it too, so it is definitely possible.

I just figure it'd be better for me to find a way to get it under control before I try to get into a relationship (24 here and never been in one lol, pretty bad...).


I've had pretty severe palmar/plantar HH since I was BORN. Strange I don't see too many people that got it that young. I've had HH for 31 years so far.

Once I told my mom why my hands/feet sweat all the time, and that if I keep socks on, my feet don't sweat as much, she said, that explains it. When you were a baby you were always fussy and your hands were always wet, I thought you were hot so I took your socks off too, and your feet were always very sweaty.

If only I could have talked! I'd of been like, Put the socks back on you idiot!

But Iontophoresis was the only thing I found that lets me live a somewhat normal life. HH is still something you think about every day of your life.

I might try that Robinul as well though...

Just try different things man, I did gels, pills (20 years ago), roll ons, special deodorants, etc.. You just have to find what works for you.


I love all the positive words everyone has to say... Even though we are all sufferers were all there giving each other support. Maybe we could all find away to form a support group other then a forum...

Alot of the time I get myself down and I forget what its like to sweat normal. After any activity I do or if its a hot day I always make a comment to my friends saying damn im breaking a sweat how about you ?

I feel so out of touch with how its supposed to be haha

So I think like the rest of us we need to know poeple who are going through the same thing and perhaps be there.

Putting my trust on the line here but if anyone wants to be a support or have some support my email is craged

thanks guys.


Well-known member
WastedPotential said:
Thanks, I've been looking around the forum and have been interested.

Wouldn't they make the face red, though?

I found the Secure wipes made a big difference--didn't make my face any redder than before. (You do still feel the heat.)

For me, since I also had heavy head sweating, I moved on to take Avert capsules (same as Robinul) which have worked quite well.

Wishing you the best.


New member
Im new to this as I never joined anything like that b4. I been suffering with HH of hands n feet 4 about 30 years now. Its hell!!Its embarassing n it makes u feel disgusting as my hands n feet r wet n cold. It stops me from doing things, restricts what I wear n makes me avoid situations where people might touch my hands.
I tried drionic and it didn't really work. I have been reading the forums to c what other people do about it and read about Odaban which I used 4 2 nights. Yesterday my hands n feet were dry for the whole day. I didn't want 2 get 2 excited about it tough. 2 good 2 b true. Guess what? Used it again last night n 2day I have wet hands n feet again!! Disapointing!!
I am going 2 c a dermatologist to c if I can get glycopyrrolate cream as my GP said she couldn't prescribe it. Not lisenced! I am also thinking about taking tablets. Anyway, its good 2 no that I am not the only 1. I never met anyone around me with the same problem. People always say that Im making a big thing out of it!!!
sapatinhos said:
Im new to this as I never joined anything like that b4. I been suffering with HH of hands n feet 4 about 30 years now. Its hell!!Its embarassing n it makes u feel disgusting as my hands n feet r wet n cold. It stops me from doing things, restricts what I wear n makes me avoid situations where people might touch my hands.
I tried drionic and it didn't really work. I have been reading the forums to c what other people do about it and read about Odaban which I used 4 2 nights. Yesterday my hands n feet were dry for the whole day. I didn't want 2 get 2 excited about it tough. 2 good 2 b true. Guess what? Used it again last night n 2day I have wet hands n feet again!! Disapointing!!
I am going 2 c a dermatologist to c if I can get glycopyrrolate cream as my GP said she couldn't prescribe it. Not lisenced! I am also thinking about taking tablets. Anyway, its good 2 no that I am not the only 1. I never met anyone around me with the same problem. People always say that Im making a big thing out of it!!!

Hi, are you from the UK?

I wouldnt give up on iontophoresis so soon. The drionic device really is rubbish..


New member
sorry, 4 not replying earlier. I couldn't find this page!!!Ignorant about how to use this. Yes, I live in London. I am Brazilian but been here 4 20 years. Still trying Odaban but doesn't seem 2 b working.Three nights now. Will stop it 4 couple of days n try again. My family asked me why Im so bothered about it now. Only people that have HH knows how it feels like. In a way, I managed to achieve a lot of things in life despite having it but I still find it horrible especially when u shake hands with someone n they say: "Your hands r cold!!" I work with children n find that it is easier to deal with them as they r more accepting. Dealing with adults is still quite difficult for me. People that r close 2 me don't seem 2 mind it but I find it very uncomfortable. Doing things is scary too. I am going 2 Yoga classes n I know if my hands/feet start to sweat I'll find it very difficult to cope as I know my hands will b dripping and the yoga mat will have a wet patch. I am an anxious person n it doesn't help with the problem. I have seen a therapist in the past and going to start it again but I know that therapy is not going to stop the sweat. Also tried hypnotherapy.
Did you go to your appointment to get the cream? I would like to try it too and also the tablets. Anything that helps.