I've had pretty severe palmar/plantar HH since I was BORN. Strange I don't see too many people that got it that young. I've had HH for 31 years so far.
Once I told my mom why my hands/feet sweat all the time, and that if I keep socks on, my feet don't sweat as much, she said, that explains it. When you were a baby you were always fussy and your hands were always wet, I thought you were hot so I took your socks off too, and your feet were always very sweaty.
If only I could have talked! I'd of been like, Put the socks back on you idiot!
But Iontophoresis was the only thing I found that lets me live a somewhat normal life. HH is still something you think about every day of your life.
I might try that Robinul as well though...
Just try different things man, I did gels, pills (20 years ago), roll ons, special deodorants, etc.. You just have to find what works for you.