Hurting yourself but not intentionally???


Well-known member
I know people cut themselves and do other similar things. I hate people who look or start problems with other people. Today someone intentionally walked in front of me and got mad that I stepped on there shoe and they made a comment I gave them a dirty look but did not say a word and they kept walking on but I was was so mad they tried to start a fight in the street as I'm on my way to see my therapist. After my session I felt good and not angry. On the way home and I should mention I live ( in the Hood) people not familiar with the hood its also call (the ghetto) A person approached me and said something to me which was ( I should take that take chain) I just recently purchase an expensive gold chain but he hesitated when I didn't flinch and I just grilled him like he was stupid he walked along after that. I was angry I held it all in and didn't attack him after he said that that I went home and kept thinking about it and I punched the concrete wall about 4 or 5 times then I punched a large glass photo frame and I hurt my hand very badly 2 of my knuckles were blue and swollen like I could never imagine and I suffered a 2 big cuts that required stitches. This has to be the the 5th or 6th times in the last 3 years that I have gotten so angry and in instead of hurting others I ending up punching something and ultimately ended up hurting myself. As This happened to you? I really don't know what to do anymore. Excercising or writing things down don't seem to help or relieve my anger or stress!


Well-known member
Yeah it happens. I am surprised I have not yet broken my knuckles. It is not that bad i think, because physically fighting a person, have its risks. Short time and long time.

I don't know about you but the thing that helped me was taking martial arts classes. I realized the anger mostly came from me not being confident should I fight. I do not yet know if it would help in a real life situation but fighting people in a controlled environment helps. It is better than exercise. After my confidence got up, I started to walk away without getting angry. Because i am not that afraid of him, and my fear does not turn into anger.