how to unfuck yourself


Well-known member
Yossarian, I think that those are the most beautiful words that I have ever heard spoken. You are truly wise.... The muffin without a blueberry is the muffin that goes uneaten.


Well-known member
Thank you my friend. I believe it is hermitage that has granted me time to reflect upon such issues. Truly we are the blessed. :lol:


Well-known member
16) do drugs
17) have unsafe sex
18) listen to rock n roll
19) pierce your tongue
20) loot
21) do not look both ways when crossing the road
22) get a tatoo
23) purchase pornography
25) smoke
26) drink
27) light fires
28) start a fight with someone smaller than you
29) join a cult


Well-known member
ohhh if i do al those things will I be cured?
Damn, one problem, I dont smoke....hmmm...Dont suppose anyone heres running a cult???


Well-known member
I recommend visiting It is real and very funny. Although they call themselves a collective and not a cult the founder calls himself a cult leader. I won't say too much but one day I wish to conquer SP and join them. They've helped restore my faith in our fellow man.

P.S. 8O I'm starting to worry about you LMT!:

"Well why didn't ya say so before....BRB, just going out to sell my body!!!"

"..permission to come to your house and slap"

"..I told him if he did it again he'd wake in time only to see me plunge a knife into his throat.."

I should work in journalism! :lol: :lol:


Worry D I hear what you say about tiring of the fight. It's not lame. When some Z-list celebrity faces their fear of spiders on TV to gain some fame and fortune everyone says how brave they are, yet when we face our fears on a daily basis just to get by people call us idiots! It takes strength to of fought it this long and you should be proud. Please don't give up....besides anyone who can pierce their nipple can do anything!


Well-known member
Nope I'm not accepting that Dollyworr (sounds Tolkienesque :D )

If your stud was causing pain you'd be daft not to take it out! Same goes for nose ring. How can you be blamed for your genetic make up. Some things we simply can't control (even Red Banner Gods).

So nope you're still not lame - I win!

And I care so there ! :p


Well-known member
Ya know, I used to get piercings when i got that normal?. I've had my nose pierced (took that out..made my nose look even bigger), Had my lip pierced (made it awkward to drink with a lip ring, so took it out cause it just made me dribble lots), Had my ears pierced 4 times only got two and I've had and still have my forearm pierced...amazing what boredom can do to ya. Just call me the human pin cushion. I must have a high pain thresh hold cause i didnt feel any of my piercings.


Well-known member
wutzzup w/ all the nit picking? If u want 2 nit pic... I don't think it's possible to "UNFUCK"yourself.. that's Y I don't think I ever heard the exp. B4 now. 2 say U R fucked means u messed up without possible recourse.... it would only B corrrectable if u were 'almost fucked', or a little bit fucked. Once U r fucked, you are fucked & there is no way of unfucking yourself unless you are capeable of going back in time. If you want to nit pick... I am totally SICK of looking at this thread that is beyond useless. :roll:


Well-known member

oh, my gawd... get a clue people- we are just having fun on this thread by poking fun at our situations... connect the dots!.. :lol: .. :p .. 8O .. :wink:.. :!:... I am feeling so hopeless... can't we form an online cult already... maybe the cult of the red baner? Maybe I could be the prophet and teacher--- hmmm... Mu-Whazzle-Demented, then we can have Yos as the high priest along with his high priestess WorryDolly who occassionally embibes in the drink of holy drunkin smartassness (JK), and LilMissTragic can be our living RedBanner Goddess- there can be only one true Goddess! OK- I'm a dork- but I don't care anymore- at least online :D ... I'm working on not caring in person... I think the cult could be a great first step! :wink:


Well-known member
I actually love this thread, Its amusing and even those that are bitching about it come out with some very amusing things. When will people realise that they dont have to read these things if they dont want to.
I think you all have great things to say...but doesnt it make it a little easier to take with a pinch of humour?
If we cant laugh at ourselves then we are pretty damn say the Please excuse my choice of words.
Anyway, I'm on quite a high cause I just went out to the shop when there was loads of people in there and bought waffles. I'm getting good at this shopping alone thing. Anyone want anything next time I go??



Well-known member
Almost missed your post there Wordydoll what with Trazza waffling on :D
As much as I enjoy fueling other peoples' paranoia alas I do not work for Volkswagon....Skoda maybe :lol: If you check the times of our posts, I posted about an hour before the alledged conversation took place your Honour. In fact I think you were online when I posted because I remember thinking about doing a public message to say 'Wozza's not lame!' I couldn't be arsed though as I was a bit hung over and it seemed too dramatic at the time. Tolkienesque...mmm...I just thought Dollyworr sounded like something out of Lord of the Rings and Tolkienesque was a shorter description of the same thing. Not very exciting I grant you but that's me! :wink: As long as you've got your Elf :oops:


Well-known member
you shouldn't be so angry at steve- he is just trying to help. this site should about trying to help each other, not to just complain and lament the fact that we have a problem. You have to behave your way to success. if you want your miserable situation to stay the same, keep bitching about it. but if you want it to change, DO something about it. thanks for the info steve- thanks for trying to help:)


Well-known member
Here, Here! Steve's post had more of a positive impact on my phobias & possible hope for change than piercings & waffles, not that a change from the norm isn't nice, I'd just rather read things that may help.


Well-known member
Then dont read them bro, and dont fuel the pointless threads by replying to them.

On an unrelated matter, I will be your cult leader if you wish.


Well-known member
For those sad deluded people out there that think I hate Steve...FFs, how the hell can i hate someone i dont even know???....Geez people, I'm just having my opinion...which is not against the law the last time i heard.
I have said before, yes Steve has good information but that sorta thing can be read on any SP site. Steve may have helped some of you, which is great,i'm happy for ya all...but as I say, if you dont like what i write then why bother replying??....wouldnt it be more creative for you to write something a little more interesting or maybe you should actually be thanking Steve.
As for my subjects, people must like them because they keep replying, its just nice to get away from the whole SP thing sometimes, I'm sure you can agree with that. If not then, I'm sorry you cant put your SP out of your mind ong enough to have some fun.

And to the others, I luff you guys...(ya know who ya are)


Well-known member
I luff you too sweetheart ..... but ......don't be mad :oops: ....I do think you were a bit harsh with Steve. I know you didn't mean to but it did come across as a bit dissmissive. I know you are feeling good about life at the moment but not everyone is yeah? I don't want to censor you LMT, you are one of the best and most positive things about this site. But we must remember how incredable painful SP can be. Especially if you are new here it can be difficult to post and reading someone getting rebuffed when they are trying to help could be discouraging for some to post. All I'm saying is maybe we could be a little more aware of how our posts come across to those in a more desperate and delicate position. After all you are our Goddess and with great power comes great responsibility :lol: Please don't take this the wrong way princess (grovel, grovel) I just remember what it was like when I first came. Lots of lufty wufty woo to everyone.