how to overcome panic attacks


New member
Have you ever experienced an episode of unexpected intense fear? Panic attack is a discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which symptoms develop abruptly and reach a climax within 10 minutes.
Can anyone suggest methods on how to cure panic attacks using natural or probably using home remedies?


Well-known member
I had numerous panic attacks between November 2002 and July 2007. They were extremely frigthening experiences, and I finished up visiting the emergency wards of several hospitals.

What helped me?

Counselling helped.

I had numerous tests to rule out any major health problems. I was convinced there was something seriously wrong with me, especially my heart.

There was one day I did a stress test at a local cardiologist. This revealed there was nothing wrong with my heart. The cardiologist suggested I could even play sport! It was like a shadow was lifted from my soul.

When I got the onset of the panic feeling (a kind of dizziness and chest tightness), I learned to challenge it. I would dare it to show me what it had. I used to ride out these horrible waves of panic, but by embracing and challenging the feeling, by finally realising that it wasn't going to kill me, it lost its power.

I still get the onset of the panic feeling, but I have learnt to control it.
First of all i feel for you i know how these feel. Have you gone to the doctor and been diagnosed with these i'm curious? Only because i have patients of my own that have had or thought they have had panic attacks when they really had a serious underlying condition. I am not trying to imply that you do either. I know for me that i try to keep the stress in my life under control. Sometimes weeding out negative people can help. Doing things that make you happy. Deep breathing techniques. Maybe yoga or some type of relaxing meditation may work. Unfortunately for some people they have to just take something like medication. You don't have to take something for depression necessarily. They have meds that help you when you have an attack and only then you don't have to constantly take something you know. Maybe see your doctor for some advice. Sometimes just going to talk to someone helps, or if you know someone else who suffers with this that may help to talk to them. Good luck:)Tinnitus Cures


Well-known member
the most important thing i've learned is that you don't overpower panic attacks, you just cope and they go away... sometimes mine go away very quickly, and sometimes they don't.. it's important to remember that they simply can't last forever. my therapist always told me to accept that i'm having a panic attack. just say "yep.. i'm having a panic attack.. i feel like sh!t.. i wish this were over" and just keep on doing whatever it is i'm doing and work through it....