I had numerous panic attacks between November 2002 and July 2007. They were extremely frigthening experiences, and I finished up visiting the emergency wards of several hospitals.
What helped me?
Counselling helped.
I had numerous tests to rule out any major health problems. I was convinced there was something seriously wrong with me, especially my heart.
There was one day I did a stress test at a local cardiologist. This revealed there was nothing wrong with my heart. The cardiologist suggested I could even play sport! It was like a shadow was lifted from my soul.
When I got the onset of the panic feeling (a kind of dizziness and chest tightness), I learned to challenge it. I would dare it to show me what it had. I used to ride out these horrible waves of panic, but by embracing and challenging the feeling, by finally realising that it wasn't going to kill me, it lost its power.
I still get the onset of the panic feeling, but I have learnt to control it.