How to not care what others think and be yourself????!!


Well-known member
Going into work tomorrow. I want to have a fun day. I am so sick and tired of this social phobia!!!

Actually for me it more 'social phobia around guys':eek:

I just feel I want to throw in the towel and not care what others think of me that much. Like can I have the mental strength to do that?

Even though the guy (whom I have talked about in other posts) is there with his problems - who for some reason completely ignored me today- rudely but was friendly to everyone else- and of course left even more horrid cryptic messages on his fb page - I am not his fb friend so I dont let it get to me- but it was weird today anyway. I think he was mirroring me. Because I ignore him often.What ever. But it is making me completely avoid him.

But what I am saying is that I am caring waaayy too much about what he thinks of me and other males there, and I dont want to. I just want to be able to go to work and have fun with everyone- be friendly - but its so hard.

I want to be able to walk into walk and be my true self and say hi to the guys and actually have a conversation that is not taunted by nerves and talking boring work duties. I just want to say that I can do it. To empower myself.

I also want the upper hand of this guy I work with- I want to be respectful of myself (and my values) and show I couldnt care less about his problems and what he is projecting and that they wont affect me - I want to defuse the situation for once and all and show my boundaries but without having to be far away- if you get me ??