How to keep going?


Well-known member
I have being fighting with SA for over 10 years, but never has it been this bad before. I drop school last tuesday, even though i was in a new program that i enjoy. My mind is just not focus anymore.

I feel like everything i do is a routine, not something i actually want to do. I barely have the motivation to do anything. I'm so depressed and frustrated, that i just don't see what i'm trying to fight or why do I keep fighting for.

well there wasn't much point to this thread just me doing some bla bla bla ::(:


Well-known member
yeah I know what you mean its hard sometime to continue. I had a moment in January were I felt totally like crap. I felt like I didn't accomplish what I set out to do in 2009 which was bit my Social phoiba. I think it is true to a certain point that we can't get Rid of our SA completely it is part of us, but I believe gradually we can get better. At a time you might get discourage and feel like your back to your old pattern, but you must realize that you can’t relapse if you didn’t improve.
Buddy keep on the good fight have faith you can bit this thing.
I feel the same way. been batteling it for a long time and now I'm about to drop outta school, but I
m fighting it.. if u ever wanna talk pm me :)


Well-known member
I know how you feel man, I'm like this a lot and before when I had a chance at getting a job a few months back that I would really enjoy I got anxious and declined it and thought to myself never again but everyday is struggle just keep at it and try thinking positivly even though it's easier said than done. Things always get better.