How to be calm in the morning

Hi everybody,

I know this forum is a lot about advice and I really need some.

Well this is the case;

I experience a lot of insomnia nights and I wake up very late in the morning, just enough time to be getting ready for school. The only problem is, is that I experience a lot of anxiety attacks in the morning and still a lot of pressure on mind when I'm at school like I cannot stand the feeling of feeling nervous and head ache. It's hard to be in class and I feel like wanting to run away, I still didn't ran away from this in an hour so I'm proud that I'm still sitting here...

I just realllllly need a way to feel calm.... Relaxed.. purely.

Perhaps you guys know a few natural things to try to get a better sleep at night?

Or be relaxed in the morning before going to school?

and how to let go of body stress and tension?

Or any natural food, drinks, medicines, strategies to let go of this pressure?

It's really making me feel tired.... and i know it triggers anxiety more and more

Thanks all for reading,
Have a nice day

Hopefully no stress ::p:


Well-known member
I used to feel that way every day before work. Try focusing on your breathing... feel the air come in through your nose, filling up your lungs, feel your belly expand as you make room for more air, then exhale, and focus on all those sensations in reverse. It's essentially a form of meditation, very relaxing. HTH. :)


Well-known member
I'd say not using technology after 8 is a good idea. Have a nightly routine--take a hot shower, brush your teeth..get relaxed. And start reading a book early in bed, after you read for a while you'll probably get sleepy.

Sometimes I drink herbal tea at night--or milk (the calcium). Chamomile is very good for sleep. Same with lavender--also if you have, say lavender lotion with real essential oil of lavender (not synthetic!) that can aid sleep. Melatonin supplements can also help. . Also don't do anything like studying or laptop in your bed. Your bed should only be for sleep (or sex..)

I would say maybe get some exercise in the day and also, wake up early, no matter how little sleep you got or how tired you are. If I force myself to wake up early (even if i went to bed super late) then I feel really sleepy when it's night, like around 8 or 9.

There are different foods that I've heard help insomnia. One is quinoa (it's a peruvian crop, and my boyfriends peruvian, that's how I heard of it) and also soy products. Stuff with tryptophan.

One last herb I suggest is Valerian! Herbalists use it against insomnia and restlessness.
lastly don't smoke or drink, it will mess up all your rhythms.

Good luck!


Well-known member
you have some really good suggestions already , i can also suggest taking a 20 minute hot epsom salt bath with candles , this really knocks me out , i get out of there feeling sedated , the magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer , tranquilizer

but even when you sleep well waking up is another story , from experience i can say that sometime you feel good , sometime you just don't , no matter how well you slept

relaxation techniques can really be useful , but waking up late is not a good way to start your day , so make sure that you have plenty of time to do your morning stuff at a normal pace .

listening to music that you really like might also help you feel more confident in the morning

if you feel panicky meditating will definitely help , and like Moa has said focusing on your breathing is a good way to do it , you can meditate in any positions really , with your eyes opened or closed , it doesn't matter , you can meditate while waiting for the bus , or sitting in class , i don't suggest doing it while driving a car tho , ha !

there is also some herbs and minerals that might help you feel better , but some of them will make you feel drowsy , so they are best taken at night before bedtime

good luck !