How much social experiences have you had so far


in your life?...

i have virtually little to none since i've spent most of my days alone in my house...asides from going to school/work(for a year) and going out occassionaly with family out to dinner or something...other than that, 0 social life.. :roll:


Active member
I dont get out too often myself. I had school, i just started work. I occasionally go out from time to time with friends (maybe 2 or 3 times a month). I'm lucky enough to have people i've known for a while to hang out with. But I dont make any new friends most of the time. I travel somewhere every year. So that's fun and it helps. But most of the time, i'm at home (in fact, i'm typing this while home on a friday night)


Well-known member
i can't say i have any social experience. I normally stay home watch tv or play games old day.

i am so sick of it every one in family got something to do and i am the odd ball sitting at home while time pass me by. i am so sick that i am alone i realized its better to go out. Now i go out with family to dinner and with my brother friends. It a step in a right direction now i am trying to go out by myself like clubs and meet people that is going to be interesting.


Well-known member
I always have to act when I socialize (which doesn't happen often), which completely drains my energy. What's the point of socializing, if it causes more stress and more anxiety? It has to come natural and should make one happy, not cause more anxiety and unhappiness.