how many here have ocd also?


yeah im pretty sure i have it, for example the other night i was ironing my clothes and it took me over an hour to iron two pairs of jeans. and i have a thing with numbers, like when i turn up the volume on the tv it has to be like 5, 10, 15, 20... etc.
I don't have OCD, but reading this did remind me of some of my own weird number things, like every time I have a bath when before I turn off the hot water I have to count to my age plus one, my boyfriends age plus one and my sons age plus one- and if I don't something bad might happen to them. Even though I know that it's crazy I do it just in case.

However, the water is getting too hot to handle now that I'm getting older!

I'm a vegetarian too (15 years), has anyone found that their anxiety has increased or decreased from vegetarianism?


Well-known member
has anyone found that their anxiety has increased or decreased from vegetarianism?
I haven't noticed a correlation between my meat intake and anxiety levels. That's going to be difficult to judge because the rest of the diet tends to alter when anyone makes a decision like that. I'm glad to see this thread bumped up though: I was going to take back what I said about it being hard to get a worthwhile vegetarian source of the omega 3 oil DHA. I've since got my mum to order what seems to me to be a good one from here: The evidence I've read and heard of suggests that deficiencies such oils, and also B vitamins, exacerbate anxiety and other mental problems. I think at least that if I haven't been eating enough Marmite (which is where I get my B vitamins and iron) I seem to fare much worse during the problematic parts of my cycle. And I think I've found learning easier since a few months after I began supplementing omega 3s.


Active member
I have obsessive-compulsive tendencies, but nothing serious enough that I'd seek help for it. My best and only friend has severe ocd so maybe I developed a habit from him.


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In my old job, I used to send out letters advising customers of a date and time for their interview. I used to check constantly endless times that I had written the correct date and time. Sometimes I felt compelled to open the letters half a hour later just to check again. Eventually I became paranoid that my colleagues could see me checking the letters endless times which made me even more anxious!


Well-known member
Like Remus mentioned, i have a thing about even numbers too, i wouldnt call it obsessive, as i have controlled it, but i HATE the numbers 7 and 13, and like numbers in multiples of 6, so 6,12,18 etc. God knows why

7/13-->my birthdate. boo!

like you, i wasnt diagnosed, but i know i have ocd. it runs in my family. My mom has SA and panic and also a bit of OCD. She constantly has to make sure the front door is locked. she constantly runs to make sure its locked and locks it after someone shows up or if we have company. Me, my OCD is pretty disgusting and volatile. I am a picker. i pick the skin on my fingers until they bleed, i pick a scraps and scars until they bleed,a dn i have this weird skin condition dermatitis on my scalp where ur skin is deadly dry and can crack and bleed. but i pick at scars on my head, and its major problem. i dont really tell people that because its embarressing and disgusting but i cant help it. I have to pick. its terrible and i know how you feel. i know its hard and i hope u can deal wiht it okay.



Well-known member
Well, OCD was what I was first diagnosed with...I was eight years old and obsessed with death, sickness, the end of the world, germs and anything I happened to witness that grossed me out...over and over and over again in my head. Torture. I also had a thing with doing things an even number of times, like going to the bathroom 6 times before being able to sleep. And I had to ask my mom certain questions every day even though I knew what she would say. Very irritating for both of us!
Also, unpretty, I don't think your compulsions are out of the ordinary. I know what it's like to feel like you have to injure yourself to feel better.

i pick the skin on my fingers until they bleed, i pick a scraps and scars until they bleed,

I myself have been struggling with cutting, which is a terrible habit don't ever try it! I don't know if self injury has anything to do with OCD, but it is certainly it's own type of compulsion. You might want to check out some self injury websites to pick up any tips on how to stop. We're all in this together. :) Good luck!


Well-known member
I've had OCD since the age of six. For a while I think I've been "pure O" as I stopped having to do the rituals. But I know my OCD has got much worse in the last few months.


Well-known member
My dr thinks i may have ocd and wants me to try an anti depresant designed for it, so i pretty much almost have a diagnosis of it. I also have panic attacks, social phobia and depression.


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I have to shower every night before I got to bed otherwise my bed just doesn't feel clean. I also have to sleep with socks on! haha! I also suffer from emetophobia (the fear of vomiting or others vomiting) which has to do somehow with OCD i'm not really sure why though! can someone explain?


Well-known member

gobananas said:
I have to shower every night before I got to bed otherwise my bed just doesn't feel clean. I also have to sleep with socks on! haha! I also suffer from emetophobia (the fear of vomiting or others vomiting) which has to do somehow with OCD i'm not really sure why though! can someone explain?

You remind me very much of myself!!!!

Just yesterday I got back at one thirty from a babysitting job. Was dead tired, but I always have to take a shower before bed, its just one of those things I have to do. It aggravates my dad because it wakes him up. I didn't really want to do it, but I just knew I wouldn't get to sleep if I didn't.
....Also, when I was younger, fear of vomitting was my main obsession...I had no idea it had a name. Emetophobia, huh? guess you learn something new everyday.


New member

It's nice i'm not the only one. Just recently my emetophobia came back at full throttle! It was horrible. Now I have trouble going on Airplanes and eating any food that has ever caused me to throw up before. Is there anything I can do to push it past me?


Well-known member
Re: Emetophobia

gobananas said:
Is there anything I can do to push it past me?

I wish I knew all the answers.... :roll: But I do feel as though I've gotten over it somewhat as I aged. I moved on to other scarier obsessions and they sort of overtook the vomitting thing. I'm sort of embarrassed to write this, but after vomitting, came this paralyzing obsession about sexuality, thinking something must be wrong with me, that I must be a lesbian..... :oops: Truth is, I'm positive I'm not. The thought scared me so much that my crazy mind latched on to it and wouldn't let go. After that came an obsession about diseases of any kind....But traces of all my obsessions still follow me around and jump out to scare me from time to time.

One thing that has really helped me with obsessive thoughts is "playing dead" to them. The only thing that makes us OCD is our REACTION to our thoughts. Everyone has the stray weird thought fly through their head on occasion. But a healthy person is able to let the thought go without fixating on it. We attach significance to random thoughts that aren't necessary to us.

So... my point is, everytime you start thinking about vomit, say to yourself, "Oh, look it's that annoying thought again." Then distract yourself with something. I know how hard this is to do, but don't give your bad thoughts power over you. In time, the fear and obsession will decrease, but it takes work. :D Best of luck! :D