How do you plan on fixing your problems?


Well-known member
Just wondering what everyones plans are to help them with their social problems. If you guys could post your ideas here that would be awesome, im sure many people can benefit from it.


Active member
I started by telling the people i trust and care for (support), after that i accepted myself and the problems i have and then i reached out for help. I'm seeing a psych and going to a group/thing therapie with people who are dealing the same and ofcourse this website!

And enjoying life, i don't want to miss out anything because of my anxiety. Life is too precious and too short.


Well-known member
Well I hope to do some volunteering work in the summer, I think I need the working experience and I will try to improve my social skills during that time.


Well-known member
have tried hypnotherapy currently doing CBT,
Im forever looking on the internet for tips on how to be more confident.
Idk if you can really 'fix' my anxieties as such. But I manage alright most of the time.
Usually I write loads of lists ;) haha


Active member
I'm a list writer too, there's something calming about it.

Supposedly I should be looking up local groups for things I might be interested in and going to them for interaction... The problem is I look at the groups and think 'hmm that's interesting... But it'd be much easier for me to just look it up and learn it online'.

I do think making a list of things you want to do/get and gradually working your way through them can be helpful through. Makes you feel like you're getting somewhere rather than stuck in one place.

Oh, one way I've made myself do a few things and taken some of the stress away (I have a difficult time making decisions and people end up trying to pressure me, which makes it worse) is by leaving the choice up to chance. If this person wants me to join this group and remembers to remind me then I'll join. If they don't then I won't. Kinda like flipping a coin over decisions.


Well-known member
I'm a list writer too, there's something calming about it.

I have a difficult time making decisions and people end up trying to pressure me, which makes it worse

A little hint of introversion there, im introverted myself and theres an awesome book for introverts called "the introvert advantage" by Marti Laney, that book changed my life forever!

and yeah i make lists too, also journal my thoughts. I believe journaling anything down on paper organises your thoughts just as you would tidy and organise you household items.


Well-known member
Until a few days ago I didn't even have a plan, but since I told my friend about my SA, my way of thinking has improved a lot (if that makes sense). I'm very conscious of when I start to slip into the negative way of thinking, so as soon as I feel it happening I immediately try to think of the positive side of the situation. i.e what happens if I'm left alone with someone I know a little bit and I have to make conversation with them? this leads to even more negativity = it's going to go horribly, they'll judge me... and then I tell myself they won't judge me, conversation is meant to bring 2 people closer not further apart. People aren't such a bad thing... I used to think they were all judging me and tbh I still do sometimes, but I always always pick myself up, and never give up.


Well-known member
Sounds really healthy man, i do the exact same thing in positive thinking and i also believe people are judging etc.

Im trying to get out of the bad habit of caring far to much about how people view me, so i wake up every morning telling myself "i don't care what you think of me" hoping to get rid of these negative ways of thinking.


Well-known member
Problems, what problems?

I'm beyond repair. I am seeing a therapist and trying to control my problems but the way my mind works it is impossible to fix it.
I was a major list maker before meds. Its a little less now. I hope after I get a job I will be able to get therapy. I want it badly. Meds help with panic attacks and depression but very little with SA.


I'm trying to take it one day at a time. So the next step for me is a CBT for social anxiety group for the next 12 weeks, and I'm seeing a psychiatrist to help find the right meds. Last appointment, he decided to up my dose of celexa so I'm working up to taking 60mg, right now I'm just on 30mg. So I'm hoping both of these things will help me move forward.


Well-known member
Sounds really healthy man, i do the exact same thing in positive thinking and i also believe people are judging etc.

Im trying to get out of the bad habit of caring far to much about how people view me, so i wake up every morning telling myself "i don't care what you think of me" hoping to get rid of these negative ways of thinking.

That's great!

Yeah, I'd never even knew, or didnt really pay attention to stuffs said about "positive thinking". But it's so important to me now, I really think it's the best way forward.

MoniqueNS, hope your CBT sessions go well, I've had CBT as well and although it didn't help me personally at the time, it taught me a valuable lesson in positive thinking ^^


Well-known member
That's great!

Yeah, I'd never even knew, or didnt really pay attention to stuffs said about "positive thinking". But it's so important to me now, I really think it's the best way forward.

Aw thats means alot :) im glad to help.

And good luck with that!


Well-known member

What I'm doing: I've told over 100 people (I guess) that I have "social phobia". So I'm telling people about it whenever I feel like. It's hard, but it gets you closer to people.

The other thing I'm doing is, when I have a problem making eye contact with someone (mostly everyone :p), I say: "Look at me!". Then when they do, I tell them "Should I be afraid to look into your eyes?". This greatly diminishes the eye contact problem for me.

The third thing is, I'm going out as much as possible during weekends. I also have started inviting people to my place (have set a goal to invite people at least once per month).

Fourthly, I'm trying to talk to my parents weekly. Helps raise the mood.

Fifthly, I'm talking to, or trying to talk to, three different strangers per day.

Sixthly, trying to learn about the world (religions, global politics etc) to be able to talk to people about different things. Having interests and reading helps to find talking topics. I don't recommend wasting your time on computer games (as I did) etc, better educate yourself on topics you're interested in!

And finally, what helps the most, is to be as open to people as possible. As an acquintance of mine said, "Basically, you shouldn't be ashamed of anything."


I've actually given up for the most part. I tried going out and being social but it seems too late for that now. Sorry I can't be more helpful.