how do you cope with suicidal thougts?


Well-known member
I try to keep myself busy or I think of how it would affect everyone I love. Also, I think about how some people would love to live longer (cancer patients, etc.) but can't. & also those who couldn't live their lives & were taken too soon.
My dad committed suicide 16 years ago, knowing the troubles I faced after those years and knowing how much i was affected makes me realize that even though it may not seem like it, people still need me. And people need you in your life too. And remember the road to recovery is long and sometimes you will feel like this, it's not you it's your depression.

That must have been very hard on you. You're very brave


New member
I cope with various methods. Such as: Watching a favorite film, listening to music, taking a walk, etc. It keeps my mind distracted, I suppose. Lately, it's not been effective as it use to be.


Well-known member
Lately I've been struggling to cope with my suicial thoughts and have nearly acted upon them.

How do you cope with suicidal thoughts?

The way I deal with it is by looking at my situation from another angle. This pent-up anguish and heartache requires energy. Right? Energy that's turned inward. What if you turned it around and projected it outward, releasing the pressure that's built-up. You become angry and want to lash-out at people. Which is fine. It's better than bottling it-up. But better still, what if you take that outward force and focus it like a laser. A laser with purpose. Then you start to see magic happen. You may still be grappling with the same issues and the people in your life suck and are not supportive or even hurting you, but when you give yourself purpose; a "mission," than it all seems not matter as much. It doesn't even matter what it is you do, as long as it has meaning to you.
I made decision a while ago that I wasn't going to allow certain people to continue making me miserable. In a sense, I've drawn a line in the sand. No more getting into my head. No more telling me how I should think or feel. I figure whats the worst that can happen? Are they going to kill me? ...And then we come full circle. In a sense you could said it's suicide in reverse. Going out fighting. Just not shooting people and all that stuff. That's the easy way out. You have to allow yourself to be a crazy and bother to others until you find people who think and feel like you! Weeding-out the body-snatchers in favor of real humans. It doesn't happen overnight, but it will happen. You just need to be patient and focused. ::Hug::
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LoL, I know this will sound ridiculous, but it helps me. I usually go into hiding for a couple days and play Skyrim all day long!!! I'm serious. I call it 'Skyrim-Therapy'. It seems that wandering about in huge fictional world provides some sort of relief to me.
Also, I talk to people who are close to me and have similar problems. Get it off me chest, really.
Well, I'm an Atheist. So I'm 100% sure that with my death, I cease to exist, forever. That means that there is no chance anymore that things could improve. There is no hope, there is simply nothing. And that is somewhat scary..

Yup that is scary. But how can you be 100 % sure? I mean, nobody knows it for real?

But I think this thought is the most effective way against suicide actions. I once wanted to put my finger in a electric button (sorry my English) and I just couldn't do it, because I was afraid of the nothing. I wanted to kill myself this week actually, with that action, because I lost my lovely girlfriend, she's now my ex. But anyways, one good thing about the fear of death, is that I can't put it into action.

I did take 4 overdoses, when I was around 16 years old. But I did not know about death too much yet. So I wasn't concerned.

It's weird actually that we have to die. I wish it wasn't a part of life. I really wonder where my grandma is, I hope she's still watching over me, so that does not make me an Atheïst, or is it just not believing in god? I mean there must be some Athiest who think of afterlife being possible?

But ehm, before I make this topic about the afterlife and athiests, i'm sorry, i'm just a curious kid.

I think the best advice I can give is:

- What would you miss most when you are death? (ask that question, it can be a simple answer)
-What do you think you can accomplish by it, would it change for you?
-What do you think your loved ones will go through, do you think they really don't care about you, or are you just being miserable?
-Is it just your emotion driving, wanting attention from people (which i totally respect, you need it!), or is it a bad thing happening to you, then please....

1.First wait until your emotion is lower, and relax...
2.Please let the people know you need attention or try to hug your pets or get attention online
3.Please if a bad thing happened to you (like me, I lost my girlfriend..) Then tell yourself there will be a time when you can say it's now okay, there are plenty of things that are still beautiful..

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Well-known member
Think about something nice, or listen to some really good music, it will turn your mind around from those stupid thoughts.


Well-known member
well miserable cow this might not work for you but give it a go anyhow..its a bit unorthodox i spose.
i think about how short life is in the astromical scale. This universe in which we exist, a human life span is merely just a flicker of time, barely a spec, you may aswell endure what life has to throw at you for this short time, we will all be dead soon enough. the universe is using you to observe itself, good or bad, you owe it to be its mirror for a short time, as thats why it created you.
you might get a life threatening cancer in 5, 10-15 years time, or get hit by a bus tomorrow..then you can die in dignity and honor (unless you didnt have clean underware on when hit by the bus), and your family wont be as distraught as if you had suicided. do you have any pets or loved ones? think how they will miss you...i think of my 2 little dogs and how unfair it would be to them to suddenly just dissappear, they probably wouldn't even understand that i have died, which saddens me. anyway goodluck and stay strong, you are not alone.

This. It helps to be inhibited by crushing apathy. I hold onto the hope that I may actually be able to sacrifice myself to save someone who matters. Someone may need to be pushed out of the way of a speeding vehicle, or maybe I'll get to take a bullet for someone being held up in a convenience store. My life is worthless, but if I stay alive long enough, maybe I'll be rewarded with a single, crystallizing moment when I'll finally understand why I'm here at all.

With my luck, I'll never get that answer. I'll live to be 116 God damn years old, loathing in my existential quandary all the way there.


Honestly, these days, what keeps from cutting me own throat is the thought that my family would suffer enormously. But that's barely a reason to go on...