How do we busted so easily?


Well-known member
I don't know about others in here but I always get busted off my shyness, I mean anyone can tell I'm shy and insecured.

When I'm even getting a coffee at coffeeshop, the woman there laughs at me looking at my face and her partner also laughed the other day, as if I said a big joke or something. I realise people easily figure out if I am shy, but how do they do it?

What's worse is that the woman who runs coffeeshop also gave me a candy as if I was a little boy!


Well-known member
I find it strange that even if I am feeling outgoing and as if I am acting confident, people can see right through it. Like, I went on a job interview and I felt confident and like I was doing well throughout the whole interview, and then the guy came out with saying oh, he could tell I was shy and this and that, and it was like I didn't even know where he was coming from! I felt I was such a great actor acting all confident, but apparently not as he was able to see straight through my act.

One, maybe, bright side would be that at least people recognize that you are shy and they don't just think you are acting rude and like a jerk or something. That tends to be my fear. I get all paranoid that people will perceive me as acting rude, rather than just being shy.


I have the same thing. All I do is enter a room and people can tell. I guess maybe it's the way I stand and all. Sometimes there won't even be a chance for me to speak and people are all over me, telling me I have no need not to talk and all and to feel free to just talk... :?: Makes me angry, since they never give me a chance to be anything other than this shy person.


Well-known member
yea, me too, I cant seem to fake it, ppl could always tell when I'm nervous or uncomfortable. thats a big part of my avoidance now, i just dread walking into those situations over and over again.
Yeah, people can always tell that I am really nervous and scared, not to mention shaky. They always think I have some kind of seriously problem. I hate getting asked "Are you OKAY?", or "what is wrong?". Ughs.


Well-known member
I remember back when I was in ninth grade (a long time ago in a galaxy far far away) it was time to vote for the superlatives in my junior high school. I looked through the yearbook from the previous year to see if there was anything I could win. Best looking? Nope. Most likely to succeed? Nope. Most athletic? Nope. Then to my horror I saw the one that I knew I would win -- most shy. Not wanting to experience that kind of embarrassment I tried as hard as I could the next day in school to be extra outgoing. I said hello to people and even tried to be talkative around the people who I knew would be voting. It didn't work. They saw right through me. In essence I probably just brought more attention to myself and reminded people to vote for me. So I won the highly coveted Most Shy award. The award that says get a life (or at least a personality) you loser. Boy was I happy.


Well-known member
Its in the eyes
You cant hide it
I have lots of pain in mine im sure people can see that