How do people do it?


New member
I dont understand how people fit everything in a day. Each day all I do is try to fight my SA and to achieve simple goals. But it drains so much out of me that I can't continue for the remainding day. No energy whatsoever. Then I think of people who work long hours, finding time to hit the gym before/after, socialising, training, etc.
Is my tiredness mainly coming from perhaps psycholgical stress?


Well-known member
those f*in negative stupid SA thoughts take so much energy away.
If you can't cope put smaller tasks for every day and gradually raise them.And take some days off to reorganize your plan too.Too much focus on SA is harmful::(:


Well-known member
I used to get very emotional drained/tired from trying to fight SA. It's kinda hard to explain but you have to accept/tolerate SA. Whenever I'm going to do something I pretty much now what to expect so I find that helps. Nothing new is going to happen, I've felt anxious 1000times and nothing really bad has happened.
Regular sleep patterns and exercise are a big help to me too


Well-known member
When I can't stop thinking I find that exercise really does help. It settles my mind and allows me to zone out of most of that negative mind chatter that goes on. It seems to energise and calm me.
I have to get out on my bike though. Exercising using machines seems to have a negative effect. I start thinking too much, get wound up and can't relax.


Well-known member
a lot of people are just workaholics and can't ever sit still. they always have to be on the move and "doing something." I guess it's productive at the end of the day, but that ype of behavior could be unhealthy as well.


Active member
Apparently, extroverts are energised and stimulated by other people, while introverts are gradually exhausted by other people and need time alone to recharge their energy for social situations. As a lot of people with SA are introverts, this is probably part of the reason why it feels tiring to do a lot of different social things in one day. However, I think SA grinds me down much more than being an introvert does.

I just want to feel less anxiety when socialising, I'm not aiming to be a complete social butterfly. I sometimes think that people who don't want a single minute of their day to go unfilled often have issues of their own e.g. a fear of being alone, a fear of not being in control, needing to be the centre of attention etc.