How do I get help?


Well-known member
I have like a month left of summer before I go back to college. I have axillary hyperhidrosis for sure, I'm very certain I have SAD, and unsure about mild OCD and AvPD. My parents have no idea about these things, but I've had problems in the past with them telling me I'm just overreacting about things before....for example my HH. They said that I just drink too much soda and that's why my shirts are soaked....right...

I want to start with medication rather than CBT, but of course, if I told me parents about the issues I'm having, medication would be a last resort for them, and they'd probably put me through 10 years of CBT not working before finally allowing a try at meds. I'm 19 and am getting a new primary doc very soon (the old one changed practice).

Basically I do want to get help, but this parent situation is killing me....I feel like once I tell them about it, I might immediately regret it forever since I could never take it back. I want to get help on my own, but I'm so passive when in public that I'd never be able to just straight up tell my doctor that I want to try medication rather than the therapies. I'd feel like he'd look at me strangely as if I was a druggy or something because I'm asking for meds.

I'm not at a low point in my life right now, just at a point where I realize if I don't do it now, I probably won't get another chance until next summer or after I graduate.

Does anyone have a similar situation where they are the only one who knows about their issues and they're afraid to tell their parents but really want help?


Well-known member
you have a choice
1. kill your symptoms with the drugs. (disease will persist)
2. Change your diet & lifestyle so you become completely healthy.

I used to have real bad Sweating. I changed my diet and now its gone.
your body is sick and is crying for help. Feed it healthy food.


Well-known member
With your parents:
Find a good site about the things you think you have. Something official and reliable. Print it out, or, better yet since websites don't look good printed, find a book or make a sort of "report" (summarize some sites and say where you got each bit of information from). Then, either highlight the symptoms you have or write a list of them and let your parents compare. The facts should be fairly unavoidable. Also, explain up front that you're not sure if you have OCD or AvPD, but you want to find out.

With the doctor:
Tell him/her what you think you have. Don't mention medication yet, because that will sound bad. Once you've convinced your doctor (and you might be sent somewhere else before you get to this point) and the discussion moves to treatment, explain that you want immediate results. Better than saying you want to be on drugs.
HOWEVER, do NOT say "no" to therapy. Medication is a band-aid solution, and the depression/anxiety sort of drugs are not ones you want to be on for a long time. They can cause worse problems. Yes, really. Please find a real cure that will last for life and not destroy you with side effects. Give therapy a chance.

Also, you're 19. Your parents can't control you anymore. Get the doctor to talk to them if they won't listen to you.