how do i change from effexor to paxil?

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i've recenlty bought some Paxil from an online farmacy...i'm not worried about that, i know they're reputable as i've bought viag from them concern is that i'm already on effexor 150mg, how do i wein myself off that and onto the paxil? and does it matter if i still have effexor in my system when i take the paxil....i only want advice off people that changed drugs i don't want you're scorn about not having gone to a GP and all that jazz ...there cheaper online and i'm sick of having to explain my mental issues to people that have no idea about it, let alone why i want to change drugs...i guess i want to because the effexor helps with my depression but does nothing about my socail anxiety/ AVPD. also any advice on experiance with paxil will be good. i've been on effexor for a few years now...atm i've gone a day without effexor now is that safe enough? or should i completly wein myself off the stuff first before starting the paxil?, im about to risk it and pop a paxil any minute now lol
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Re: is this dangerous?

i've recenlty bought some Paxil from an online i don't want you're scorn about not having gone to a GP and all that jazz ...there cheaper online and i'm sick of having to explain my mental issues to people that have no idea about it, let alone why i want to change drugs...i

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