How do I approach someone?


Well-known member
I know Im not alone in this. But why do I have so much trouble talking to people?
How do I suck it up enough to talk to a stranger, or at least approach one?
I honestly have no trouble with keeping conversation. But when it comes to approaching someone, I think I look too rude or creepy and back off, before I even get the chance to say hi


Well-known member
Approaching is the easy bit, it can be simply an observation.

"gee it's hot today"
"how expensive are the bananas today".

It literally can be just about anything. When you have gotten a reaction from the other person, then you need to know a good conversation starter, if you want to proceed talking to them.


Active member
That's something that I would love to be able to do. Unfortunately for people like me, it's far too risky, especially taking into consideration by past history with trying to approach women.

I'm sure that if I happen to approach somebody and start conversation, they're probably going to be frightened, and honestly I'm more terrified of them, but still, I'm sure they're going to think that I'm a pervert, or something equally bad.

Knowing my luck, I'd probably get the women who carries the can of mace.