How cureable is it?


New member
How cureable is social phobia? I'm 16 and I've had it all my life, been seing psychiatrists and social phobia experts but it gets worse all the time, is it cureable? How did you get rid of it? How do you practice social encounters to help get rid of it?
I don't think the answer to this question can be entirely define, for I think it varies individually for each person. I don't know if it "cureable", but it can certainly get better. Instead of trying to fix it completely, maybe you should just focus on getting better right now. It doesn't just happen overnight, it takes steps.


Well-known member
Listening to Dinosaur Jr is helping me daily, their music is so effortless and they don't care what you think about them, they are very calm people too, i believe this is the cure right here, i realise this seems like a loony response initially but give it time, give it time....

but its just so sincere and you have to believe me ..

I Don't Think So

Freak Scene from 1992, the video

Just Like Heaven from 1991

Just watched all three, this is REAL therapy and they are such a delight


Well-known member
dinosaur jr? i should hope so indeed...
everyone should own 'you're living all over me' for some of their life at least