Home Alone (tips to spend time)


I'l be home alone from tomorow almost a week. Need some good ideas to spend the time or i'll be laizing on the bed for most of the time : P Just to say i'm in a new country! Some help on cooking would very very welcome : P


Well-known member
If you can, videogames are the solution ::p:

If not, yeah, you can make some exercise :D

Also, you could do both at the same time :p

Photography maybe? :)
Completely off topic, but I first read "Photography me" XD


Well-known member
i read, surf the net, play guitar, make something to eat,watch tv, game, drink, sleep, listen to music, listen to radio. days can really be quite long :confused:


Well-known member
I wish I had more of them, but puzzles! I used to do a lot of puzzles as a kid and would love to do it more often. The take up a fair amount of time and you feel very accomplished afterwards. Photography is a good one, but usually that means going out (ie. nature).

Animals are a great sorce of entertainment for me. They are funny and sweet and adorable. Animal videos online take up tons of time as well and make me happy.

I love to read books, and fanfiction online. I love to go to DeviantArt.com and look at art for hours. That site is really fun, art for any taste.

I don't watch a lot of tv, but I love movies on Netflix.

I love to listen to music. Find, I usually serf deviantart and listen to music at the same time, great way to pass time for me.
I'm home alone because it's still my holidays, and my parents are at work.
Watch movies online? You can watch almost anything for free now online. I'm currently watching Insidious. Except, cause it's horror, it's not really scary at quarter past midday, haha.
Umm, get a tumblr? Tumblr's amazing :)
Spend more time on here and make friends
Make fooood you've never made before ;)
Meditate? Seriously, it really works. I find it's better to do it in the morning, but idk what time it is where you are...
Go shopping?
Haha, now I'm just giving you the plan of my day. I'm sure you can thing of better things to do with your time than I can.


Well-known member
I live alone, but somehow rarely get bored at home - even when I'm not at work. I fill my day with the usual stuff - videogames, surfing the net, watching TV/movies, listening to music, doing chores around the flat. I had 2 weeks off work back in July and I still didn't get around to doing some of the stuff I had planned! I don't know how people have time for relationships ;)


Well-known member
I'm home alone from 6 am to 7 pm when my mom gets back from work and it's been that way for almost 2 years now.

To kill my time, I spend hours here on the computer doing whatever (mostly writing poetry and stories), go outside and do some photography, play with my puppy Gizmo, watch tv/movies, or lay on my bed and listen to music while completely zoning out ---> my favorite thing to do ::p: :D

EDIT: I forgot to mention video games! *gaaaaasp* But yes, gaming yourself to death is the solution to everything~ especially the violent ones where you can let out all that pent up anger on zombies, monsters, aliens, innocent civilians, and whatnot >:}
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Depression Glass

Active member
I like to do informal research projects and learn about things. For example, I have an antique glassware collection that I regularly add to and read about. I like to learn about the various patterns, companies, colors, materials, eras, etc. so that I can recognize and appraise pieces when I see them.

It makes me feel good about myself to consider myself an "expert" in something and gives me something to talk to people about that I have confidence in.

I also like to comparison shop for stuff online and see what thing has better features, better quality, is prettier, is cheapest, what people have said about it, etc. Even if I do not end up actually buying it. I just find it interesting. And if I meet someone who is looking for something I have looked into, I can give helpful advice, which makes me feel good.