High vs Low Self Esteem

Found this page on confidence & self-esteem. Thought it might interest some folks on here.

High vs Low Self Esteem – Thinking Great

"Self-esteem is formed by an individuals opinion about themselves, which descries their overall sense of self-worth or personal value. Self-Esteem can involve an assortment of beliefs about the self. such as the assessment of one’s own outlook, value system, emotions, and conducts"

It has a big "infographic", so go to that link to see it. :thumbup:


Well-known member
I prefer the word confidence over self-esteem. Self-esteem seems to imply doing something worthy of deserving said 'esteem', whereas confidence just is.
I prefer the word confidence over self-esteem. Self-esteem seems to imply doing something worthy of deserving said 'esteem', whereas confidence just is
So what you're saying is that we should aim for "confidence" rather than "self-esteem" as we don't have to "deserve" or "earn" it :question: :thinking:


Well-known member
It seems to me that my sense of self worth is fine, and actually very healthy and normal when i am alone, which is why I love to be by myself...but add other people and I don't have it anymore (self esteem)...so I avoid people so I don't have to feel bad about myself. People start asking questions and analyzing you and trying to put labels on you and I can see right thought it. It's not that I think I am better than anyone I just cannot stand the way humans judge one another. I have gotten to where I can be around so few people I know something might be wrong with me but I don't know how to fix it.

Sorry if this was a bit off topic but I really have been thinking about why I have such an aversion to people more lately. I want to figure it out. I don't get why they crush my spirit so much to be around.


Well-known member
So what you're saying is that we should aim for "confidence" rather than "self-esteem" as we don't have to "deserve" or "earn" it :question: :thinking:

It just seems to me that confidence simply exists, as in, you just have it (you think positive, you strive in whatever you do, you don't see people as a threat because you see yourself as equal and don't assume negative things, etc), whereas self-esteem seems to imply receiving that esteem from someone else. In other words, it's as though self-esteem is earned (you did something worthy of positive feedback and that grants you self-esteem).
It just seems to me that confidence simply exists, as in, you just have it (you think positive, you strive in whatever you do, you don't see people as a threat because you see yourself as equal and don't assume negative things, etc), whereas self-esteem seems to imply receiving that esteem from someone else. In other words, it's as though self-esteem is earned (you did something worthy of positive feedback and that grants you self-esteem)
Self-esteem should really be called "others-esteem" in that case!
But I get what you mean. It's like self-esteem is a specific goal to work towards, like building a house, and that you gotta put the effort/work in to achieve it (ie you don't just get it by just "being", but only by "doing").

Also, what comes to mind is the term "[un]conditional love/acceptance". Going by the above then, with the "self-esteem" you talk of, it's totally conditional, based on others perception/judgements of you. And "confidence" is totally self-originated, and is unconditional. :thinking:
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Well-known member
I also have been happiest or at most at peace when I am alone. It's not about high or low self esteem to me, it is about being at peace or lost in something I enjoy, being creative, or physically active. And I have achieved that most in my own company. I go out into the company of other people, and it so often turns to misery.


Well-known member
People need the proper balance of self validation and external validation working together to feel their best.