

Active member
I just started working at a new place, doing stuff I've never done before, and I'm too shy to ask for help :(

Anyway I usually hide behind the computer monitor, pretending I work so people will just pass by. Even though I don't know what I'm doing. :/
If we're going to keep doing this, it will get worse. I used to do it all the time and it's probably why I did not get any better. I realized that I can't hide forever so I'm starting to face my fears. I still hide but not as much anymore.
Actually my other reply was dumb. Whenever I go outside I always wear a hooded sweatshirt with the hood over my head, and giant sunglasses. That way I always block my face so people can't see it. I also hide behind my hair, can never stop touching/playing with it, I also like to have that sort of in my face. As well as just constantly pretending to look for something, biting my hands, covering my face with my hands, always pretending that I'm looking at something, and just a whole lot of stuff.


New member
I've hidden everywhere. :oops: In high school, sometimes I would go to like 3 different bathrooms during my lunch break just to get away. When I finally got my license, my car was my best friend. I'd just cruise around and no one would notice me. It's an unhealthy habit, I think, constantly trying to avoid attention. Sometimes it's best to put yourself out there, you never know what good might come out of it.


Well when I'm outside fx in a train or at a train station I can't take a book to hide behind, because I'm too nervous to concentrate on reading even though I love books...And then I just start to think about if people can see that I'm not reading and thinks that I'm weird. BUT... when I'm like nervous and that kind of stuff at my educational institution I like to pretend (hide behind) that I'm doing somekind of homework, but really aren't reading it as I should and just write all kinds of stuff down on paper instead of real notes...or like pretending to be writing on my mobilphone even though I don't send the messages to anyone (Quite stupid!xD)... Sunglasses is also a pretty nice thing to hide behind if they can hide your eyes... and music is also a great thing if you are out in public (if you are together with mates or friends you can't do that... it's too unpolite and not very social, so I don't do that)...but then I'm nervous if they can hear what I hear, so I'm always keeping the sound quite low;P...so normally I can't hear the music and that's not really something who helps to bring a disstanc between you and other people.
AND! When it's winter I have this really nice coat with a hood who goes totally over your face so that you don't have to look at anyones faces!xD It's so nice except for that, when you've become used to it it's really hard to let go of it...and walk outside without this hood over your headxD... But I don't go with it anymore because the coat is too old and in a bad shape...so it would look weird if I still wore it;P


daydream said:
I've hidden everywhere. :oops: In high school, sometimes I would go to like 3 different bathrooms during my lunch break just to get away. When I finally got my license, my car was my best friend. I'd just cruise around and no one would notice me. It's an unhealthy habit, I think, constantly trying to avoid attention. Sometimes it's best to put yourself out there, you never know what good might come out of it.

Yeah! Bathrooms is the greatest thing ever made! I' m also going to the toilet at my educational institution in the luch breaks to relax from time to time. You can get your breath, shake of (or you know and sit with your hands on your head in a relaxed position - you can't do that ellswhere;D) and be as you like to be without anyone noticing... except from if you are looking rather bad... then people will notice of course and ask if something is wrong;P... but you can allways come up with a quick lie you know!;D like "I'm just having a bad day you know";P I think it's okay to lie about things like that to protect yourself in this matter;).
no. you people are so much worse than me, i'm glad i found this site. i don't understand you, it's like you don't really want anything, because you don't even try. i always try to do my best even though i never feel like i did it. i never run away from anything, or hide, with that kind of atitude i don't think you deserve a change, neither should you expect it. i just can't do what i can't.


Well-known member
Yeah deffo
Im always pretending im busy so people dont come up to me, which makes me more paranoid, which makes me want to leave the place im in!


Well-known member
princess_haru said:
I hate eating in public too. I always feel like I look greedy and get paranoid that there's food on my face or between my teeth. I probably don't eat as messily as all that, but sometimes my nervousness causes me to eat clumsily which makes me even more self-conscious :oops:

Hiding... well I've had long hair almost all my life and I often hide behind that, using it as a curtain between me and other people's gazes.

same here...i dont want to come across as greedy so i eat very slowly, i eat by myself , at work we have a break room but im ao self concious that i rather eat where noone will see me


Well-known member
If only the hermetic lifestyle were easier to attain. Why do such solitary souls have to depend so much on the mainstream?



If i am at home my computer and my ipod. And if i am outside then my Handkerchief i try to hide half of my face with it and pretend to have rainy nose (LOL) and i feel comfortable.