

New member
Hello, I'm kinda new to this forum. My name is Daniel, 16, and I'm from Hungary. My SA started some years ago, when I was in elementary school. There were a lot of bullies, etc, etc. I think it's not a rare way to "get" SA. I'm currently in High School, and I'm that guy who just sits there, nobody talks to him.

About 1 or 2 years ago I did not know nothing about social anxiety, I was like: okay, I'm that weird guy, I'll live with that... There's a girl in my class who got SA too, so it was somekind of proof to me, that there are people like me, and we can't do nothing about it. But at the 2nd year of high school, a new guy came to my class. He was shy, and I think he got SA back than, but after 4-5 months, he started to gain confidence, and talked to my classmates. Some weeks, and boom! He is outgoing, confident, and he got a girlfriend. That motivated me, I was like: Okay, if he did it, why can't I?

So I started searching, read a lot of books, and I think I'm finally started to gain confidence. I was skinny, but I started working out. Now, my body is in a way better shape, and I'm feeling good 'inside'. However, that's not enough.

The other thing motivated me was my life-goal. I really want to move to the USA, and live in LA, however my family is really poor. My dad left us, he is unemployed, and I'm living with my mother, and grandmother. I feel like I stood up, said "Damn, I won't be poor, I'll work hard, and I WILL live my life as I want."

I started learning HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Illustrator. I probably won't go to a university, or college, because my family could not afford it, but I'll learn these things, and I'll try to become a professional web developer. Or designer.

Oh, and I started playing electric guitar a year ago. It's a really good way for me to relax, and forget every problem. Especially when jamming along with a backing track.

PS: Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.
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Well-known member
Hi Dann, welcome to the forum :) It's nice to hear that you have a dream and you are motivated and working towards that dream. If you really wanted to go to university, you could get a loan or get a job and save up your money. I wish the best for you!


Well-known member
hey dude, welcome to the forum :)

it makes me happy to hear you are motivated like that, thats is so awesome!

and keep jammin on that guitar!


Well-known member
Hi, Daniel, welcome to the forum. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. Keep at it, man. Best of luck. :)