

Hi everyone.
I'm a 26 year old lady from the uk.
I use to come and use this site a lot a few years back. I'm kind of hoping my story will help other users of this forum.
I had been suffering from what I now understand to be generalised anxiety ffrom 2005 panic attacks depression came part of the package. However by 2006 this had calmed down and although I had relapses I was back on track and took it as a bad phase in my life.
In 2008 after a very stressfull few months I relapsed terribly. One evening I suffered the 'mother' of all panic attacks out of the blue. This triggered the worst two years of my life. I became house bound in a constant state on panic depressed. I'm sure many of you here understand even day to day tasks became unmanagable! Life was bad I couldn't sleep but didn't want to be awake eating became a tRigger for panic. Hand on my heart I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
Doctors told me I needed medication.. I refused. My stand point I wasn't depressed it was the situation that was making me depressed.
I was convinced that although I strongly believe it is without a doubt a mental illness, it's a illness brought on by the suffer so there fore can be treated by the sufferer.
I decided to step back from my condition.. Look at it from a more scientific stand point. Why? How? Etc do I get these panic attacks. I started to realise I wasn't crazy or 'mental'.
I understood my panic attacks wasnt caused my some deep rooted medical condition it was me. I'd panic I'd then fear the panic I'd panic more I'd fear that panic. A vivious circle.
I read some fantatsic articles on behavioural therapy. And one day it took all my strength when a panic attack hit me and I point blank refused to fight it. I kept doing this within a month I was controlling them better.

I'm now going to say something that would have made my heart sink a couple of years ago. You me we will never be cured, will never wake up one morning and have our old life back.
The best thing we can do is learn to except it as part of our character understand that baby steps work better and realistic goals help as control our conditions. If you can't leave your house, aim for goals such as a walking in to your garden etc rather than. Focusing on the bigger goals such as holidays away. We all do it. Don't we. Do something each day that scares you but limit yourself by pushing yourself to much your take 2 steps forward 10 steps back. Learn to stop looking at others in envy of there normality as I put it. The jealously that your friend can go shopping on holiday learn to accept this is your life and to make the most of the life you can lead. If there is one thing this has made me realised never undervalue the little the simple things in life.



Active member
amazing thread. When im in a good mood I think in a exact same manner. When you accept your situation and try to do something about it rather than neglecting it and comparing yourself to other 'normal' ones , theres is no more inner conflict and you feel more peaceful.
Welcome to board. Such good points u make. I am also 26..nearly 27. Some days I wonder if I ever will be in a place where I feel comfortable, confident and absent of anxiety. Or is this me forever? I can really relate to what you are saying. Lovely to have u here.


Well-known member
what a lovely name lovely :)

I think you have it on the button. And i think i need to press that button...:)

Welcom & nice first post :)