Hi, I'm new.


New member
and leaning a little bit on my whiskey crutch.
I'm 23, im from a small town in indiana, I've been living with SA since I was 16 or so, the best I can tell (I was normally shy as a child).
Unfortuneatly I hadn't bothered to look into it too deeply until recently, because when I was 17 or 18 I went to a doctor to see what to do about it. Over the course of 10 or 15 minutes I explained everything that was happening, the (horrible) ways I was feeling, and how I would receive comments about "acting strange," and he told me "Welcome to the real world" and sent me on my way.
Being the high school kid and deviant that I was I decided it would go away on its own with enough time and drug abuse. I was wrong.
Fear/anxiety-based paralysis is the norm for me on a day to day basis.
Sometimes I will actually be too afraid to answer a phone call from my best friends that ive known my whole life.

But anyway, I need to be in another physical place soon so Ill wrap it up.

IM SUPER GLAD that I found this place I had no idea that so many of you were just like me :) in a good way.

Ive recently started taking paxil for my SA/Depression
and seeing my therapist regularly

so heres to 2012! Cept for the mayans. Kind of a bummer if you ask those guys.


Well-known member
Welcome. Im glad you found this site too and hope it helps you as much as it has for myself. Simply just relating can bring comfort. If it makes you feel any better, I got rid of all phones because of that fear, I can't handle it at all.


Well-known member
Hey and welcome to the forum:)!

Sorry about that ass of a doctor that you met. I'm glad to see that you're making some progress though. Don't worry, we'll help you reach the finish line. Happy New Year's to you and hope for many more to come:D!


Well-known member
Hi, welcome to the forum and happy new year. I'm sorry to hear your story, we'll be more than glad if we can help you even the slightest. Feel free to talk to us whenever you want :)
Hello and welcome to the site.:) Thats great your currently seeing a therapist, sometimes thats a hard step to take. I hope you'll find some help from this forum.:)


Active member
haha, I like your end comment about the Mayan's, funnier than the ones I make =)

Welcome to SPW! I couldn't believe this place existed when I found it, its such a blessing to be able to say what I feel and never have the pressure of being judged put on me. Love this place, you should too!

Trying to get out of my funk more in 2012, Mayans will probably ruin it once I'm free.