Hi!! A Newbie here.


Hi All! I am 29year old female from the UK. I can relate to many things that people say on here about the issues they face everyday because of anxiety etc, i myself have had social anxiety for quite afew years now so i understand alot. Alot of the problems i deal with now have come about because of being bullied at school. This wasn't physical bullying but was verbal bullying on a day to day basis. Even though it was a long time ago now, its never left me. Anyway i am glad that i have found a place where i can relate to people & hope to chat. xx


Well-known member
Hello jaye! I feel bad for what you been thru but glad that you're here :)
Hope you find what ur lookin for!



Well-known member
Hi. I was also made fun of throughout my school and college about my the way I talked so I withdrew and didn't talk to anyone, hence my social phobia.