Hey Bexi, hows things?


Well-known member
Hey Bex - i don't doubt for a second that you DID not get my MM reply - MM's :evil: So do you want to play one of your games or something - yeah come on i'm bored.


Well-known member
a gooseberry in a lift! or elevator as som folk say!!! ho ho ho

why cant cars play football??


Well-known member
They only have one boot! oh RED, for an elite you're not too bright are u?? hehe kidding of course!


Well-known member
:lol: DOH!!!!!!!!! Why wasn't i given an elite sense of wisdom as well ??
Gonna have to make a complaint.

What couldn't you do at one point in time in Florida, on Sunday if you were an unmarried woman ?? Be outragoeus here :p


Well-known member
You couldn't milk cows whilst wearing a dress and doing the salsa with a sexy young male??


Well-known member
Now that's outrageous!!! But alas - They could not go parachuting :roll:
Stupid bloody laws - Honestly i would love to know the 'rationale' :? behind the making of some laws. Check this one out - In Toronto Canada - It is illegal to ride streetcars on Sundays after eating garlic.


Well-known member
O crumbs garlic is a total passion killer! Where for art thou MCSHY tonite?? being quiet? hmmmmmm


Well-known member
You're new avatar is cute mcshy, ru becoming a softy? or do u still eat children and young animals?


Well-known member
It's awfully quiet tonight kids! Shall I dance for you all? Entertainment is what is needed I think?

What's green and sings??


Well-known member
Oh, we have a heckler here Bex - shall we get him ?

That was cute.

A fire fighter's business goes up in smoke - a plumber's business goes down the drain - what happens to a hooker's business ??