Herbal party pills....are these to be trusted????


Well-known member
I found these links with a list of party pills that can apparently give a "buzz" and a "high"....they're completely natural/herbal


Xplode Party Pills - Legal Substitute to Amphetamine


I've been searching high and low on google on reviews on these, to see if they work, with not much luck, however i found a "drug" forum, with a "herbal" section and some of these pills in the links i posted, were mentioned, and i didn't see anything negative.

I ask, because i recently purchased these pills from ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/EXPLOSIVE-ENERGY-NOW%2F-WITH-BOTH-THESE-WONDERFULL-PRODS_W0QQitemZ330381454597QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxq20091128?IMSfp=TL091128207002r21813

explosive energy now and up all nite party pillz....i tried them last night and it definitely worked for me....i was literally sitting on my own and having a conversation with myself for 5 hours outloud lol...it was nuts, i was in a talkative mood, but i was in a good mood and i felt good overall, i felt kinda drunk and mellow actually.

I know the ebay pills work, but i'm not sure about the other ones in the first 3 links.....they're so tempting to buy, just wondering if anyone came across these?? Perhaps tried it themselves? Or know whether or not the site/these pills are genuine and can be trusted?

Thanks in advance
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