
I don't know what to do with my life. I know that sounds strange, and you probably think I'm weak. I know that so many people have illnesses where they don't have long to live, and i should be grateful that i am healthy and alive, but i just can't seem to bring myself to understand the point of living. I mean, it just seems so stupid. We get older every day, and eventually everyone is going to die, so what is the point living? That sounds so stupid, even to my own ears, but i find it too hard to explain what is going on in my head. It just seems that once we die, it doesn't matter what we did while we lived. No-one cares if you were rich or poor, successful or not.

I am struggling through school, my OCD gets so bad there, and my anxiety makes it hard for me to concentrate on the work. I still get good grades, but assignments take me so long to do, because i rarely work on them during school hours, as i find it too stressful. Stupid, right? It's not as if i want to kill myself, I am just not wanting to live. That doesn't really make sense, but again, it is hard to explain it. I don't have a bad life either, I have a wonderful family, great friends, and really, they are the only thing stopping me from going over the edge.

I don't know why i wrote this, but i felt as if i had to get it out. If anyone has gone through something the same, it would be nice to know if things get better. Or any thoughts, i just need to hear something.


Well-known member
well God made you be born and live this far for some reason/reasons even if it doesn't seem like it. have you tried praying? because it does work in helping to understand stuff, know what to do/what not to do, etc
well God made you be born and live this far for some reason/reasons even if it doesn't seem like it. have you tried praying? because it does work in helping to understand stuff, know what to do/what not to do, etc
I'm actually Atheist though, so I don't believe in that. Thank you anyway x


Well-known member
I understand how you're feeling. College was a HORRIBLE time for my OCD and Social Anxiety!!! The experience amplified my condition and college is a very difficult place to be in with our condition.......I did manage to make a few great friends but was too shy to have a girlfriend . :(
Although I have a degree, I did go back a few years ago to take some classes and it was a much better experience. Of course, I was only taking a few courses, which made it a lot easier to deal with.
and see where that's gotten you... no answers. so why not try a different source for the answers?
Look, I thanked you for replying, but please respect my views on religion. I don't appreciate you telling me that being Atheist has given me no answers. Because for a long time i was Christian, and that gave me no answers either. My religion is my choice, and i respect that you believe in god, but it is not your place to tell me what to believe in.


Well-known member
well you said you didn't know what the point of living was...:\ asking Him can't hurt if you're open to His help. if you don't want it, you don't have to have it. no one's forcing you.


Well-known member
I understand how you're feeling. College was a HORRIBLE time for my OCD and Social Anxiety!!! The experience amplified my condition and college is a very difficult place to be in with our condition......

The first 3 years of college was also a nightmare for me. I went from taking on-campus classes to online classes, and it got better afterwards, though it set me back a few years because I changed my major.

You mentioned that you don't know what to do with your life. Is it because you don't know what your passion is, what major you should choose, and what career you want to go into? When I was in college, I changed my major so many times I lost count. I also felt very lost, like what the heck do I want to do with my life?
Sometimes I'm bothered by the same thought. I don't think it's about pleasing anyone, or looking for an answer. It's a chance we'll probably never get again, but who knows? Make the best of it. Do things that'll make you happy and enjoy the time you have.