Help with posting images!!!


Active member
Hi! Im such a dummy, I dont know how to post pictures.
?????? do you need to be connected to the web or something? I dont know.... :x


Well-known member
lol if you posted a message to the board you are connected to the web. do you know the location of the image you want to post? it should be http:// wherever you have it stored... maybe photobucket. put it inbetween the img and /img brackets... hope that makes sense.


Well-known member
hm i'll try to explain.

think of your picture as information. you need to upload this info/picture to the internet to be stored somewhere, where it can be publicly accessed. you can store it for free at places like or you need to sign up for a free account with a place to store your photo. then, of course, upload your photo there. your photo will have an "url" a location where it can be accessed. the url of this website is, that's all an url is, an address. your image will have an url. then once you have uploaded your picture somewhere (and therefore has an url) you can post it here by posting the url inbetween the img and /img tags much like you did in your original post, above, except instead of it saying http://image_url, you will replace that with your actual image url. hope this makes sense!


Active member
Ooh~~~~~ I get it. :lol: :oops: lolz....thanks Dottie, this is the first forum that I actually post and come to everyday. I have never posted any pictures online before. Anyhoo Thanks!!!! I will try it tomorrow... time to go to bed. 99