Help :-( Sposed to be going out tonight...

Help :cry:
I'm supposed to be going snowboarding tonight with my boyfriend and his sister (his sister used to have SA), and I've never done it before, and although I fancy trying it, I just feel so anxious about it. :? I'm not even entirely sure why I'm anxious about it, I just feel so sick to my stomach. Maybe I'm worried about making an idiot of myself or something.

Help, any opinions on what I should do? Or how I could stop feeling an anxious?

I'm gonna go back to hiding under my duvet now lol :oops:

Naomi x


Staff member
you usually find you are far more anxious about these things beforehand than when you are actually there, your BF knows you well and will support you throughout, he's your rock, you know you can count on him :)
Thanks for your reply :)

Yeah I do always get very anxious before I do most things, especially this kind of stuff, because I don't have a clue what to do once I get there :?

I'm going in about an hour, cos he talked me into saying yes. Hopefully should be alright.

Naomi x
Just all went horribly wrong :p and I was the only scared one there. I'm okay now just had an awfully battered sense of pride yesterday :p
Yeah I'm just trying to ignore the occasional twinges of feeling like an idiot :lol: I'll soon get over it I expect lol.