help please need reassurance


Wanted to get your thoughts on dried blood on coins. Someone gave me a coin with definite blood on both sides of the coin, seemed dry. I handled it, touching the bloodied areas, and told the chemist I don't want that one and I don't want to catch diseases. He handled it and put it back in the till after surmising it may have been dirt but then seeing it was actually blood, and gave me another coin. So everything I have now touched is contaminated, including car wallet, garage opener, clothing and so on. HCV lasts 4 days in dry blood, but I can't quarantine all these contaminated items for that long, and Dad has now touched the garage opener after I asked him not to. I don't know what to do. I can't get a conclusive test for 6 months. What should I do?
I would disinfect all that I could with Lysol or chlorine bleach. When a co worker gets injured at work we pour bleach on the blood wherever it is, that's our S.O.P. for blood. I would also carry hand sanitizer if that is practical for your situation. If you or anybody else that handled those items you mentioned don't have any open wounds on the hands I wouldn't worry too much. I believe most bloodbourne pathogens require an opening in the skin to get into the body.


Well-known member
You can disinfect everything you touch with lysol or sanitizer. Wash your hands everytime before you eat. Next time if you touch blood or anything unsanitary, wash your hands imemdiately.