Help for overcoming anxiety at work


New member
I'm starting a new temporary job next week. I will be returning to an office that I temped at three years ago. I have social anxiety, and especially so around authority figures and co-workers. Everyone around me is a lot older and more experienced. I know that I will have to greet my old boss and I'm really nervous about that, because whenever I talked to him I blushed really badly.
To make matters worse, my uncle has a very high-up position in the company (but he doesn't work at that branch) and I feel like if I do anything to brand me as weirdly shy or incompetent or anything other than perfect, hardworking, and intelligent, I'll somehow tarnish his name.
Basically, I want to be able to go there, be myself around people, stop being so timid, and able to talk confidently without blushing, to ask questions without feeling dumb, etc.

Any tips??????


Well-known member
Well, some people actually find blushing cute!

If your uncle is higher up, this may be a plus - if he has good reputation and people like/respect him, you will get a plus too.
If he has not such a good reputation, then it might be a minus in some people's eyes that you are related, but then again in such case it might be not-so-stressful too.. If this is just a temp job you can always go elsewhere anyway..

It is normal to ask questions when you start, just make sure to write things down and remember..
If you have anxiety around certain people, maybe it can help if you find out more about them. (For example, when I found out more about some professors I wasn't so timid about them anymore..)


Well-known member
Tell someone at work that you are shy, if the organisation is worth working for, they will understand. I know it's a scary proposition, but telling someone about what you are going through can help. And by the way it's OK to blush, it's a perfectly normal thing to do. Try deep breathing, think of you favourite thing.

Some places of work have confidential counselling services. Maybe you could talk to them?


Well-known member
On the one hand if your uncle is well respected in the company that could have a positive effect on how you are looked at, but I can see your point about not wanting to make him look bad. I think that is unlikely though. People know that your behavior has no reflection on his just because you're somehow related. More likely the positive glow that people have towards him will rub off on their attitude towards you.