thank you cowboyup. in my country, people think thin person is normal. my mother and sister also are thin. so, they will often say to losing weight by dieting to me;( i do not care , but my mom abnormally care about proportion and worry too much about what other people think since when i was a small child. her behavior will often change one by one in front of various persons. is this phenomenon only in japan?
Well, here in South Europe there is also this social pressure on being thin and frequent eating disorders derive from this behavior, specially at young ages. But then you get out the street and find that most of the people is not precisely thin, so unless someone suffers from severe obesity (that is a medical and not just a physical condition), people simply don't bother.
Another point to take into account however would be the cultural. I have never meet any Japanese nor know much about your culture other than what I've seen on TV (so correct me if I'm mistaken, please), but at least we have the vision of Japan as a a very competitive society. It was among the first countries in the world when fertility fell and people began to have a single child and thus increased the amount of pressure children received from their parents, so this may be a consequence of this pressure.
And please, if someone ever does that to you again, act like nothing, and keep focusing on what you were doing. There are always bullies and stupid people, and if they see you don't even care about them and do not get upset at all, they get frustrated. It was not you the problem, it was them who were bad educated and were idle looking for someone to laugh at.