

Hi everyone. I've lurked here for a while and finally decided to post. I have to say thank you to everyone: I've always had problems, but never really understood what they were until I started reading about others with similar issues on these forums.

So about myself... I'm 25, male, living in NYC. I've always been pretty shy and introverted. I had a few friends in high school, but none in college, aside from a few guys who I worked on my senior project with. However, not having a ton of friends has never really bothered me, probably because I’m close with my sister and we do lots of stuff together. She’s more social than me, so hanging out with her has helped me a lot.

I’ve had anxiety when it comes to a lot of things, but I’ve worked on a lot of it. I’m a lot more comfortable than I was when it comes to meeting people, carrying on a conversation, eating in public, ordering at a bar, etc. I’ve always been somewhat okay with public speaking (I know, it’s weird… I think it’s something about being in control of the people I'm talking to). However, talking on the phone terrifies me. I have to work up a ton of courage to make, take, or return a call.

My living arrangements (still with parents) are less than ideal right now, but I’m working on that as well as getting my career (software developer) in gear.

The most frustrating aspect of my life is probably my love life - in that it has and always has been non-existent. I’ve never had any real intimacy: never dated, never kissed someone, never had any sort of sex. I’m beyond frustrated and nervous about what a girl would think of me being so inexperienced. I've never had the nerves to approach a girl, but I’ve tried online dating. I’ve sent tons of messages, but almost never get any replies, even from girls I have a lot in common with. The few replies I do get never turn into anything, just small talk. I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm kinda skinny, but I never thought I was ugly or anything, but now I'm really starting to wonder how the opposite sex views me... maybe there is something off about me... Anyways, if anyone has any advice for me, I'm all ears.

Thanks for reading :)


Well-known member
Hey dude, first of all welcome - I hope this forum gives you new ideas that can help you deal with your social anxiety. Second, I can relate to you pretty much - I've also never had any sort of relationship with a girl (despite being good looking and in the past, a nice body as well from hitting the gym hard). Anyway, my point is that, girls are not really into good lucks as much as guys are - girls like confidence. Ive seen some ugly looking b**stards having some gorgeous gilrfriends. But guess what? They are talkative, confident and fun.

I heard someone say once: "girls like cool and they like money". I think it's pretty true for the most part - though there are always exceptions (except I haven't found one yet:D)

Anyway, enough rambling.... Hope you enjoy yourself here and are willing to share your ideas/experiences with us - so it can perhaps help us deal with our social phobia :)


Well-known member
You're not the only one, I'm unexperienced too. I had 1 girlfriend when I was young(er), I'm 17. But as the situation now is, I'll be unexperienced on ma 25th too. ;)
Welcome to the site. :)


Well-known member
Hello and welcome. Thanks for taking the effort to write so much about yourself btw, it's always great when you reveal a bit about yourself. I like your username, it's in keeping with your career choice, and the blue is sort of a moody colour.. eh i think i'm overanalysing. Welcome aboard!


Thanks for the welcome guys.

@EasySkankin - yep, I've definitely heard about girls going for confidence. I know some girls love money as well. I have a cousin who pretty much demands that her guy treats her like a spoiled princess... I like her as a cousin, but it's kind-of disgusting and I'm hoping she represents the minority of girls out there.

@Chihiro - Hearing other people's stories helped me a lot, so I'm happy to share my story and I feel comfortable doing it here. I've used bluepixel as an alias in a few places, not sure how/why I started using it... but, yea, it does seem to fit me well :)