Hello there.


I am 36 years old and lead quite what I suppose u could call a normal life. I have a job, family and house.
But I have some very serious problems with what I call my condition.
I cannot leave the house without constant fear of being ridiculed by others. I worry about meetings months before they are due in case I make a fool of myself, I struggle talking to even some members of my family, and going shopping is one of the most stressful times I can think of, especially at the checkout...
I hope I haven't bored u 2 much but that's just the way my life is.....
looking 4ward 2 hearing from some of u !!


Well-known member
Hi Scott(y), nice to meet you, welcome to the forum! :)
Many people in here are surely able to relate your problems, so I hope you will enjoy your time here.
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Thanks for the message of support. This is my last chance 2 hopefully find a solution to the deep unhappiness that this condition can cause. I hope u r well.:)


Thank u all for the welcomes. il ook forward to recieving and hopefully giving out advice when I can. Once again thank u:)


Active member
Well it would be cool to continue in a way... well I'm 21..male... university student, afraid of human contact (almost never talk to anyone, if I talk then out of politeness not of wishing to talk and), possibly I have APD (Avoidant Personality Disorder), I am very paranoid, afraid of people, obsessed with conspiracy, not overly but pretty misanthropic individual, obsessed with nostalgia, melancholy and wish to be away from people (preferably in the past-times I loved). Life.. do I have it? NO... but that is why I am here.. hope you will accept me... looks like a great forum for people like me. :D


Active member
I am 36 years old and lead quite what I suppose u could call a normal life. I have a job, family and house.
But I have some very serious problems with what I call my condition.
I cannot leave the house without constant fear of being ridiculed by others. I worry about meetings months before they are due in case I make a fool of myself, I struggle talking to even some members of my family, and going shopping is one of the most stressful times I can think of, especially at the checkout...
I hope I haven't bored u 2 much but that's just the way my life is.....
looking 4ward 2 hearing from some of u !!

I worry constantly about stupid things too. For example I thought I failed my Biology final soooo bad, I could have sworn to any diety that I got an F. Turned out I got a 98%. I know what it feels like to worry, and dread any thoughts that the kids at my table might have had of me. Talking to my brothers is hard for me too, I want to be kind, and generous, gracious, and funny, but because I have no experience in these things, I don't think I can ever learn how to be them. Idk thats my intro to u lol.

And no, you didn't bore me, I was looking for you to post this (not literally, you know what I mean.)

happy 2012