Hello. So i am giving up

I have given my best at the dating thing and trying to find same one and zip, zero. So i am giving up (i just can,t take being Lonely anymore it's to much.

So i am going to get a Life-Sized Doll (don't see any other way i'm all out option).


Well-known member
I hope you don't rely on this doll to keep you "company." While it may be real in a lot of aspects, it can't communicate with you. Don't replace actual human contact with her.



Sometimes, actually most of the time, when you aren't trying so hard and just going about your life accomplishing the things you want to accomplish and becoming the person that you want to be, that's when a great relationship happens to develop. If you feel ready to give up maybe it is just time to focus on you and your life, and let someone come to you :)

That's the way my relationship worked for me. I couldn't approach anyone and am dreadfully shy. I decided to just focus on me. I eventually ended up having a conversation with someone who had very similar interests as me and 3 years later :thumbup: