Hi guys, first of all sorry for my english, I'm italian so I'm not going to be always perfect during my posts. I'm 23, I'm already quite active in the italian forum, but I decided to sign up here too, because I'd like to read more posts from international users, and to share my thoughts with people from different parts of our planet. Plus, maybe I'm gonna improve my english! I study political science at the University Of Pisa, so languages are quite important
. So, my story is pretty basic, I don't know if i can be considered a social phobic, all I know is that I'm awfully shy, I have problems in improving my relationships with everyone, I tend to isolate myself because I feel kinda different and I feel like I'm not good enough but this makes me quite sad. Probably we can reconduct my problems more to the so-called Avoidant Personality Disorder than a basic Social Phobia. Anyhow, I hope to read some interesting things here, and to be able to write something to help others. Goodbye for now!