Hi, I joined here last April but never posted anything so, about me- I'm 25 and have a hard time making friends. I moved from where I grew up a couple of years ago and moved back in with my parents and since that time I have not made one friend. I moved because I was really depressed (although I've never told anyone this) and felt like a new place would help, and it did tremendously. I still battle bouts of depression at times, but I haven't experiened the intense chronic depression that I had before I moved, for which I am very grateful. I had this absurd notion though that somehow moving to a new place would cure me of my SA. Well it hasn't and as my 26th birthday fast approaches I can't help but to reflect on my life thus far. I'm a bit of a dreamer and at times I feel really optimistic about my future, but at other times I just feel lonely and hopeless. I prefer to be optimistic but sometimes its hard. Anyway, I'm just about out of space b/c I'm using my ps3 to type this. Thanks for listening to me ramble