Hello all


Hi, I'm Alex, and I suffer from social anxiety (undiagnosed). Have done for years but have only found out there's a name for it within the last couple of years.

I'm not a stranger to these type of forums, I've been posting on SAUK for the last few monthes but that's gone offline now and I'm not sure when/if it's coming back on, so I'll be posting on here from now on (going without a mental health forum to vent on would = Big time suckfest!).

I'm 33 years old but in terms of emotional maturity I'm alot younger as due to my SA I haven't experienced alot of the things that most other people my age have experienced - ie dating, relationships, and all that jazz.

I work 2 days a week at a Tesco store. Don't feel as though I can handle full-time work these days. Most of the rest of my weeks are spent at home, living the life of a social recluse, something I've become pretty comfortable with in the last few years (I have strong schzoid tendancies according to online personality disorder tests that I've done), but not so comfortable that I don't want to change it at some point in the future.

My interests include dvd watching (movies, Buffy, Doctor Who, etc), rock and heavy metal music, beer, watching football (Man. Utd fan), bit of reading here and there, and of course the internet.

That's about it, thanks for reading ;)


Well-known member
Hi Alex, welcome to SPW. :) I too post on SAUK, i've just recently re joined the forum under the username of brokenstrings. I hope you like it here.
Hi, I'm Alex, and I suffer from social anxiety (undiagnosed). Have done for years but have only found out there's a name for it within the last couple of years.

I'm not a stranger to these type of forums, I've been posting on SAUK for the last few monthes but that's gone offline now and I'm not sure when/if it's coming back on, so I'll be posting on here from now on (going without a mental health forum to vent on would = Big time suckfest!).

I'm 33 years old but in terms of emotional maturity I'm alot younger as due to my SA I haven't experienced alot of the things that most other people my age have experienced - ie dating, relationships, and all that jazz.

I work 2 days a week at a Tesco store. Don't feel as though I can handle full-time work these days. Most of the rest of my weeks are spent at home, living the life of a social recluse, something I've become pretty comfortable with in the last few years (I have strong schzoid tendancies according to online personality disorder tests that I've done), but not so comfortable that I don't want to change it at some point in the future.

My interests include dvd watching (movies, Buffy, Doctor Who, etc), rock and heavy metal music, beer, watching football (Man. Utd fan), bit of reading here and there, and of course the internet.

That's about it, thanks for reading ;)

Do you mind if i come shopping in my PJ's?
& welcome to SPW! Welcome to the family.:D
Hi Alex: I'm new here too. Hopefully we can help each other. You sound pretty happy in that you've accepted your social problems. I hope I can reach that point too. I look forward to more of your posts.
Hi, I'm Alex, and I suffer from social anxiety (undiagnosed). Have done for years but have only found out there's a name for it within the last couple of years.

I'm not a stranger to these type of forums, I've been posting on SAUK for the last few monthes but that's gone offline now and I'm not sure when/if it's coming back on, so I'll be posting on here from now on (going without a mental health forum to vent on would = Big time suckfest!).

I'm 33 years old but in terms of emotional maturity I'm alot younger as due to my SA I haven't experienced alot of the things that most other people my age have experienced - ie dating, relationships, and all that jazz.

I work 2 days a week at a Tesco store. Don't feel as though I can handle full-time work these days. Most of the rest of my weeks are spent at home, living the life of a social recluse, something I've become pretty comfortable with in the last few years (I have strong schzoid tendancies according to online personality disorder tests that I've done), but not so comfortable that I don't want to change it at some point in the future.

My interests include dvd watching (movies, Buffy, Doctor Who, etc), rock and heavy metal music, beer, watching football (Man. Utd fan), bit of reading here and there, and of course the internet.

That's about it, thanks for reading ;)


Helloooo.. :) Longtime no speak.


Hey Charlene *high five*
Yeah I haven't been on facebook all that much of late, I've been spending most of my online time on SAUK.
Hope you are well :)