Have you told anyone?


Active member
Was just wondering if you've told anyone about your 'condition'. I've not done so, was wondering what peoples reactions have been for those of you who have?

Personally I think it would be too awkward anyway. I guess it depends on your situation, but I know for sure that my family don't believe in 'that sort of thing'.


Active member
Well I'm glad to hear you're slight cheered TPK.

I understand perfectly what you're saying. I could probably tell my sister or brother, but I'm the eldest and I don't want to lose my image of invincibility, so to say. If they think I'm 'weak' then their image of me may be somewhat tarnished.

My father would have absolutely no time for all of this, with good reason. He had a far harder upbringing than I did and no doubt has problems than nobody addressed. My mam would just either try to ignore it like yours did or get upset. Mothers don't like to think that they've raised their babies and they've turned out to be damaged goods, its almost like they've failed at some point.

I don't really want anyone to know, but I know there are symptoms that people misread or attribute to deliberate actions. If people knew my situation they may be a bit more tolerant or not think that I'm just being freaky, also I may be allowed a bit of breathing space when I reach breaking point.

Ah well, we all have our crosses to bear! All in all, this can be dealt with, its not easy but if it was we would have all 'normalised' years ago, and we wouldn't be anywhere near as interesting! :D


Well-known member
I don't really want anyone to know, but I know there are symptoms that people misread or attribute to deliberate actions. If people knew my situation they may be a bit more tolerant or not think that I'm just being freaky, also I may be allowed a bit of breathing space when I reach breaking point.
That is an excellent way of putting it Badger. Thats exactly how I feel and I've been wrestling with wanting people to know why I've acted the way I have and not wanting to 'out' myself.


Well-known member
My family knows I have SA. I first went to a therapist to see what was going on with me back in 2002. My mother still gets frustrated with me once in a while though. Once she yelled, "Just open your mouth and talk!" Someone on here mentioned they were arguing with their mother about not wanting to go to a family event--well, I went through the same thing, with crying, pleading--the whole 9 yards. I think it was shortly after that I went to the therapist to find out if I had SA. My mom's always been big on therapy, so that wasn't an issue.
As for other people outside my family I usually don't say the term "Social Anxiety" because the few times I have (like to a professor), in explanation of my behavior, they've gotten this blank look on their faces, and had no idea what Social Anxiety was. I think the term's too clinical for most people to handle, so if I feel the need to explain why I turned down their third invitation, or why I'm so quiet and nervous, I just say I've always had a lot of pretty bad shyness problems. But I never know exactly when to make a disclaimer for myself. It always makes me really nervous that they may think twice about hanging out with me if they know I've got shyness problems. Having SA can be so frustrating, partly because of the lack of knowledge other people have about it. Someday!


Well-known member
I have never told anyone (apart from a psychiatrist and a psychologist) I have SA/SP. My parents know that I get fearful of some social situations but they don't know of SA/SP. I don't see the point of saying I do actually have a real anxiety disorder, I just say I have depression with anxiety rather than depression and SA/SP. Why? because it would be of no benefit in telling them I have other issues apart from depression. Thus I keep my problems between me and my psychiatrist.


Well-known member
I've only talked about it with one friend, and after describing the symptoms he admitted he has a similar problem. He was explaining how himself sometimes when in a bus for example, would get paranoid about people staring at him and stuff...

He's the only one. But at this point in my life, I'm not looking to tell people about my SA, I'm more focused on overcoming it ASAP. I wanna get on with my life....


Well-known member
Well, I haven't been formally diagnosed... This week I saw a psychiatrist for the first time since I was a little kid. She just said she thought she was going to diagnose me with major depressive disorder and an anxiety disorder. She didn't mention social anxiety specifically but I know I have it. I don't know if maybe she just figured it fits under the umbrella of anxiety? Anyways, I would be embarrassed to tell people, but I'm guessing that most people either already think I have it or wouldn't be surprised to hear that I do.