Have you ever thought of living alone?


Well-known member
Oh god I WISH I could live alone, but I'm so reliant on my boyfriend and my sister to do things for me (like go to the store) since I don't leave my house. Luckily, I have a garage (aka my studio) where I can go and hide for days to give myself the illusion that I live alone.

Don't get me wrong, I love my sister and my boyfriend and I would miss them if I didn't live with them, but I really LOVE to be alone.


Well-known member
Haven't thought about it, not in my plans for near future. But there are times when I have had a long day, and wish to come home to an empty house undisturbed as opposed to being screamed at by my mom the moment I step in. But then, there are also times when I come home and the place is empty and I get a little sad there's no one.


Well-known member
I've been living on my own for about a month now and to be honest I love it. Finally managed to get my own house (with a little help) and the freedom is great, the only downside is having to pay for everything (mortgage, bills, food-the list is endless), but it was time for me to move on and out of my parents house. I think its given me a big confidence boost and the kick up the ass I needed.