Have you ever fallen for someone you didn't expect to fall for?


Well-known member
Actually yes, my first (and current) boyfriend I fell for unexpectedly:giggle:. Best thing to happen in my life so far, not to get all mushy in all of you :blushing:. He makes me happy, so I was lucky my unexpected ended up being just what I need. :)

Sometimes good things can come out of something unexpected happening. I'm glad it worked out for you.


Well-known member
To tell you the truth I have fallen for my best friend a year ago. Today I still love her and recently I just told her I loved her. It wasn't the way I wanted it to be because she was still hurt from a last relationship and I wanted to say in person not over the phone (Not texting). She is really happy I told her though and she still hasn't stopped talking to me she calls me once a day and we talk for hours. We hangout every week and even though we aren't dating I really can't picture my life without her. I just want her in my life, Best friend or boyfriend no title matters.

That is a tough situation to be in. I guess only time will tell how things will end up for you two. Like you said though, whether you become her boyfriend, or you remain her best friend, she'll still have a person who cares about her. I believe that when you love someone you want what's best for them, even if it may mean not being together, so she's a lucky girl for having someone who wants her to be happy no matter what. Good luck.


Well-known member
Yes I did once, many years ago. He wasent the best choice nor a good influence either. Thankfully we were never together.